The current EtsyBloggers blog carnival topic chosen by MysticWynd is
"Most countries around the world have a day set aside to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. Here in the US, it's Thanksgiving. What do you celebrate wherever you live and how do you celebrate?"
Well, as stated in the topic, here in the U.S. we celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November which this year is one week from today. Using our photos from last year's Thanksgiving, we'll show you how we celebrate the day. Since we live far away from family, it's just me, my sisfurs and Mommy and Daddy and of course a turkey!

Mommy and Daddy fix a mini version of a traditional meal with all the fixin's. They begin getting it ready in the morning so we smell the aroma of the turkey as it's cooking.

Around noon it's turkey time! Of course we begin by remembering what we're thankful for like each other, our health and happiness but then we get to eat the turkey!

The rest of the afternoon we relax and enjoy the day together. That is how we celebrate Thanksgiving in our family.
Do you have any special celebrations in your family?
mmmm...turkey day! Love it! Here in Canada our Thanksgiving is the 2nd Monday in October - quite early. We always celebrate with family (though we are a very small family) and lots of food! Yummy! Thankful for family friends and health!
We love how you always test things out by putting the bitey on them, Isabella!
We had our Thanksgiving in October, but Mommy has vacation Thursday and Friday so maybe we can convince her to make a turkey too!
Glad you still get to have a great celebration even though you're far from family :)
That's such a cute photo of you giving that turkey the bitey! In our family all the humans gather at Gramma's house and it's a loud, fun party with food, fun and games. We get to stay home and nap quietly but we'll get some turkey too...
I too look forward to turkey on Thanksgiving...yum! We had ours already, as a Canadian, we celebrate in October...second Monday. I do all the cooking, and all the kids, and grandkids gather for the feast, we play games and have a lot of fun.
Looks like the turkey is getting a taste testing by a pro!
oh my! i love the last photo! too cute!
hope you all have a lovely t-day! :)
(new blog: :)
That was a very nice post, Isabella. We heard that all the big kids and all of their famiies will be here for Turkey Day. Mom does all the cooking, everyone else does all the eating, and we help with cleanup. Hope you have a very happy and peaceful Thanksgiving Day.
woos, the OP Pack
Turkey Day! There is something about gorging on food and then passing out with football on the tube!
We like the idea of when our Khanadian furiends have it!
Tank woo fur sharing your special day!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
ours is qutie a bit like yours except my daughter and my son join us for a thanksgiving feast. Nothing huge just lots of food and some relaxing down time
Thanksgiving means it's time for me to put on the traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings. What was once a large family dinner is now down to just a handful (six). Along with the turkey I will make dressing, potatoes, gravy, rolls, salad, a vegetable and deviled eggs. Dessert and anything else will be provided my aunt and ex. The left over turkey carcass will be boiled and stripped. Then I will use the juice and meat to make homemade turkey and noodles with homemade noodles.
I hope you share with the sisfurs.We are lucky.We go to my wife's parents house for a big get together.So lets start early.Everyone have a good Thanksgiving.
Woof! I'm looking forward for Turkey Day! friends and family visiting. I'll get lots of hugs and tummy rubs. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Aww what a cutie! We do the traditional big thanksgiving dinner at my grandparents home :)
You're eating the wrong turkey! Wait till next Thursday...
We LOVE Thanksgiving!!! Well the tradition at our place is mom gets up about 6:00 in the morning, stuffs the turkey and pops him in the over (mind you, just like Christmas morning, she has a glass of wine for this, since no one's usually up and it's "her" time) She doesn't want you all to think she's a lush, but it's her thing...MOL. Then at 9:00am SHARP, The Macy's Thanskgiving Day Parade MUST don our television. Until noon! Then she pops in Polar Express, she's at this point getting everything else ready to go in the oven. We usually eat about 3-4. Mmmmm, we;re starving after all of this food talk...
We live far from family too, so we usually have several "orphan" friends up to share the bounty.
Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Blog of Note
Looks like you think that turkey is the real thing Isabella! :) Maybe you will get a bite of real turkey on Thanksgiving! My family gets together around noon,say grace too and then eat. Then I will probably go over to my boyfriend's families house and have Thanksgiving again. I usually put up my Christmas tree on that day too. Hopefully, maybe I can put it up sooner!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Linda :)
There is nothing like a turkey in the oven! Yum! Grace had some chicken last night--do you get turkey??
Our mom does a mini version, too. For the second year in a row this year, Mom will cook a turkey in the crockpot!!! I hope we get a tiny taste again!
isabella - Hope you didn't eat your paper turkey! It's so pretty! Our little family usually goes and sees family, and brings home goodies for MJ!
I had to laugh at the pic of Isabella biting the paper turkey.
This year our Thanksgiving will be smaller than usual; just husband, myself, 1 of my sons, my mom, sis & niece. I love cooking for people so it's always lots of fun.
I love that turkey and I see that Isabella loves it, too! We had some of those when I was growing up.
As for traditions, well my wife's family comes over to our house and I make the meal (doesn't this just ooze enthusiasm?). About the only other thing that became a tradition, is the apple pie I make.
Hopefully I'll be off work. My mother and aunt start cooking the night before. They stay up practically all night...baking, cooking, and chit chatting. We still usually don't eat until noon. Boy, it's ALWAYS so good. I'm getting sleepy just thinking about it. :)
Isabella you are cute today
I like your new colorful birdie
hugs Kareltje =^.^=
Lol, I just love that last picture! So cute!!
We do the same thing Isabella! Eat turkey and lots of pie. And it's a happy day for me because real turkey - not from a can - is my favorite - since it's a special day I get to eat some! Love, Moon
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