What happens when you have a perfectionist, right brain challenged, CPA Mommy nearing a craft show deadline? Well, let's just say it ain't pretty! See all this stuff around me? The bags hold stuff for her displays and the tackle box type thingy holds all her beads. This needs to all get in order before the weekend is over. Can't you just see the enthusiasm on my face?

Hopefully by the end of today things will be better and we can relax a little and maybe even nap! She has been making lots of new things but not all of them are in her BeadedTail shop on Etsy yet since she hasn't had time to take pictures of efurrything to get them listed. I'll show you a few of the things she's making though.
These earrings are made with pawprint beads she had made for her exclusively. Aren't they purrty? They are on Etsy and can be seen by clicking here.
These earrings are made with pawprint beads she had made for her exclusively. Aren't they purrty? They are on Etsy and can be seen by clicking here.

These earrings are like a colorful Tortie color don't ya think? Okay, maybe not but they are on Etsy too and can be seen by clicking here.

We like purrple around here so she made these fun earrings.

We also like hearts so I really like these little heart earrings. They are furry petite but furry cute! They're also on Etsy and can be seen by clicking here.

And the last ones are these circles and Swarovski pearl earrings. They dangle so are fun to play with - not that I would know though!

So, as you can see, she's been busy and this week she's making new necklaces and bracelets since her show is next Saturday. In other words, no lazy days for us yet! If you have suggestions or see anything you like, just let her know!
No its a very busy sunday
work work work ;)
But its very lovely work
those earrings are very unique :-)
They all beautiful !!
Hmmmm....I think I feel some shopping coming on......those are lovely!
Maybe it's just me but it looks to me like your mom has things pretty organized there. If that were me it would look like a tornado just went through. Oh wait, I just noticed that's what it looks like on my desk right now...lol Those are some lovely earrings, your mommy is very talented
I am thinking it won't take long if you give her a 'paw' Isabella! Then you can all relax for the rest of the day. Such pretty earings ~ good luck on the craft show!
The LOOK says it all!
Furry nice stuff!
Of khourse, we are big on purple around here too!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
Mom said she loves ALL the earrings yoo make ~ she thinks yoo are VERy talented.
She gotted a pair of the paw print ones from yoo and she loves them. She's also gotted two cat pairs from yoo too. She said efurryone compliments her when she wears them ~ and she said yoo might like to think abowt including a couple of business cards in wiv the orders when they are posted so folk can give them owt to admirers. She said yoo can get FREE business cards from Vistaprint (google them to find their site ~ they're are brilliant)
Isabella, I love the expression on your face--it is so much like the one my husband gives me when I have loads to do:)
Lick your paw, rub behind your ear and then tell Mommy she will be fine!
Great new items :) Hope the show goes well...and I hope efurryone survives...LOL :)
Don't you get all excited when there is commotion like that going on?? I know my kitties LOVE when there are boxes and bags everywhere.
What beautiful beads and earrings!!!!
Good luck getting ready for your show! I love the multicolored earrings. :)
Ooo - I love the one's with all the spastic color to them!
Yup, the kitty definitely looks enthusiastic. ;)
Those earrings are so pretty! I especially love the paw print ones. :)
Your Mommy's been hard at work making some beautiful things! I hope she was able to get it all straightened out so she can have some relaxation time. Everything is so pretty! Love, Moon
Your earrings are lovely. i might need to head on over to etsy for a little browse.
Everything is so beautiful - Mom loves those 'tortie" earrings, such gorgeous colors. Good luck to Mom with her show.
Woos, the OP Pack
Your mom is SO incredibly talented, Isabella!!!
You look adorable, Isabella and it's so nice that you're helping out your Mom!
Our Mom loves the earrings (especially the purple ones and the last picture) so she says she's going to be ordering soon. We're kinda hoping she gets the dangly ones!
Not just busy, but Organized. Oh, if I could just steal a page or two from your book.
isabella - yet, it's a pain, having all those bags in the way. Mommy will be finished soon, and everything will be back to normal!
Get a little excited for her, now!
I'm with you...doing these kinds of shows kinda' turns everything inside out and upside down...whew! (Love those new cat paw earrings!!)
Hi Sharla, I've ordered some earrings to be posted directly to a friend for a Christmas gift ~ but the Etsy order form had a glitch ~ I've explained the problem in an e-mail so can you check your email and confirm to me the delivery address will be ok please?
Jan (Milo and Alfie's Mom)
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