It's Tortie Tuesday and today's lesson is to be grateful for good furiends and fortune. The reason for the lesson is that we had an absolutely fabulous weekend thanks to some furiends of ours and for that we are extremely grateful. We'll share more about this later this week but let's just say, we had a pawsome time and continue to do so with our fortune (aka toys, toys, toys)!

I also wanted to share that Mommy has decided to donate the proceeds of her sales in her BeadedTail shop this month to a local shelter, SafeHaven Humane Society. The reason is because last Saturday they assisted with the rescue of 45 cats from absolutely horrible, inhumane conditions. The shelter was already at capacity with 60 cats and kittens but they took on the additional care of these rescued cats and kittens. You can read more about these kitties by going to the Safe Haven website or clicking HERE for a local news report and video. It might make your eyes leaky like Mommy's though.
Mommy said that although she's only had 6 sales so far this month, she's going to donate all of her proceeds and also take in a bag of cat food and a bag of kitten food since that food will go directly to nourish the kitties.
Please send your purrayers and cross your paws that all the kitties get well and find the loving furever homes they deserve.
What a wonderful thing to do to help the cats and kitties ~ we can't thank you enuff.
Mom said she can't read the post about the cruelty because she knows it will upset her too much. We just don't know how people can be so cruel and harsh to innocent animals ~ wot on earth is the world coming too?
Thank goodness for people that care like the shelter and yoo.
Mommy says she wants to read about Safe Haven when she gets home because she is worried about getting leaky eyes before she goes to work, but what a wonderful thing to do!
We can't wait to hear about your weekend!
Bless your wonderful momma! So wonderful of her to donate to the kitties in need. Those kitties will appreciate it more than you'll ever know!
Good for you Sharla! I hope they find good forever homes for all of the cats. I wish them all the best of luck and thank you for bringing it to everyone's attention :)
Arwen and I send hello's to you, the kitties and Sasha, of course!
Hooray for helping other cats!
Glad you have pawsome :)
That's terrible about those cats and kittens. But you are so great to donate so much to them!!!
Hi BeadedTail, how sweet of you to donate food and money to the shelter. We had a terrible local situation like you describe. Ours didn't end well, they euthanized all the animals before they even told the public. Sorry to add a sad comment to your blog. It is wonderful when people pitch in and try to help these animals.
You know that I can't watch the video. I would have leaky eyes all day long. I am so glad you are taking cat and kitten food to the shelter. They will need all the help they can get. Knowing you I have a little advice - let Daddy take the food to the shelter - if you don't your leaky eyes will turn into flooding eyes and Isabella and Angel will have a new sisfur.
What a kind and loving thing to do! Your Mom is so sweet to donate her profit - we give her all eight paws up!!!
Tail wags, the OP Pack
You have such a nice Mommy! Those poor wittle kitties I hope they all find good mommies like yours to give them a home. Love, Moon
Isabella, you are one lucky kitty to have such a kind, loving, caring and thoughtful person as your mommy!
I can't bear to read stories about animal cruelty. I get physically ill, so I ADMIRE your mommy for what she does to help those poor kitties. Bless them all ♥
Your Mommy is an angel with a very big generous heart!
I am proud of you ,
you are so fantastic
for alll cats:)
I hope they find all a good home,
we purrr & pray.....
What a generous thing for your Mommy to do! BTW, Isabella, you have the sweetest face!
Toys are the funnest! Can't wait to see what you did!
HOORAY for Safe Haven! HOORAY for your mommy!
That is so nice of your mommy. I will never understand why people mistreat animals. We rescued two goats who were not being cared for properly.
How wonderful of your mommy purrson to donate to such a terrific cause.
Katy and Kirby are so grateful to your mommy. They were rescue cats and were always grateful to the Humane Society!
That's so sad about those kitties! Im so proud of you for helping :)
That's a terrific thing that you are doing and I know that they (and the cats) appreciate your help.
I am saying my prayers for those sweet little kitties!
We have a lot of rescues, and even if we had more there would be no way that ANY of them would be suffering for ANYTHING!
The pain of the innocent and unconditional... makes both my eyes and heart water.
Your Mommy has such a beautifilled heart.
You're mom is so wonderful! Please lick her on the nose for me, OK? Or... have Sadie do it, if that's not something you're comfy with.
Play bows,
Isabella, we just wanna say that you are looking mighty pretty today!
And good for your mom helping the shelter!
that is so beautiful and sweet of you! i hope those poor kitties are okay & will find loving homes.
and happy tortie tuesday cutie pie!
I think I'm a first time visitor to your wonderful blog with Cats.
I like both your blog and the cats.
I know you warned me Isabella about the video, and now I have leaky eyes, but thanks for telling us about this sad situation. You're so blessed to have such a wonderful caring Mom. I hope your furiends find homes and get well fast.
How generous of you to donate your proceeds this month to a local shelter! What an adorable kitty!!
That was purry special of your meowm!
(We won't be hitting the video - we'll are still rekhovering from the post over the weekend of the little khytten named Destiny that managed to survive the gassing endured by her mom and littermates) -
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
I can't watch the video, because I will cry even more :( but I just featured you and your Etsy store on my blog, so my readers know you are helping these kitties!
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