Our mommy recently won a blog giveaway hosted by MysticWynd with a prize from Songbird Cotton Co. She doesn't win many things so she was real excited to win this prize! It arrived the other day and I helped open and inspect the package. It came wrapped in pretty purple tissue paper that made nice crinkly noises when I laid on it.

Let's get this string thingy off so we can get to the prize. But save the string thingy so I can play with it later!

Oooo, these are great Mommy! It's a wallet and a checkbook cover! I like the hot pink trim on it a lot!

Is this where your moneys will be Mommy? I just thought I should know in case we get low on treats and need to buy more.

Thanks so much to Karen from MysticWynd and especially to Amy from Songbird Cotton Co. for offering the wallet and checkbook cover that she made! Mommy loves her prize and appreciates it very much!

Be sure to check out Amy's shop for other wallets and also lovely purses that she makes! Also stop by MysticWynd to enjoy her blog and see her wonderful work!
Hope you have plenty to be Thankful for today and everyday!
Congrats on the win! Those items are gorgeous!
Isabella, you are really clever at unwrapping :)
What a pretty wallet! Isabella, it's good to know where they keep their monies in case of emergencies like a low treat supply!
Very nice. Love the colors. I never win anything either. Congratulations on you wonderful prizes.
These are so cute. I like the punch of color from the pink.
Isabella, you are such a big helper!
Congrats on the win! Those are so cute.
Congrats for the prize
Greetings from Sakura
So helpful of you Isabella to help open Mommy's prize. She gets a lovely new wallet and you get a string thing to play with. Win,win!!
Congratulations :))))))
Isabella helps you wonderful,
have fun with your lovely prize !!
Those are really pretty!
I like the wallet and checkbook cover a lot too. LOL
What a great job you did Isabella!! Congratulations to your mommy too.
This has got to be one of my all time favorite post!!
Isabella is just wonderful here!! I hope you all have a wonderful afternoon!!
Lucky lady! Gorgeous wallet and checkbook cover. Congrats!
Ooooh congratulations, they look really, really nice!
Congratulations. Now you have to find some money to put in the wallet.
Congratulations on winning such a fabulous prize!!! I love it and the colors! Also love Isabella opening it! Such a clever kitty!!!
Linda :)
Such a pretty prize...congrats!
How lucky and what a fabulous prize!
Oooh, that is VERY cute!! How lucky you were to win that!
First of all I have to say, a cat that can not only read, but can type and post to a blog is amazing! I love it, really lol!
Congrats to your mommy on the win, lucky you!
I would like to invite you to join my Thankful Thursday blog hop at the Nuthouse http://ourhappynuthouse.blogspot.com/2009/08/thankful-thursdays_20.html hope to see you there ;)
Furry khool winnings!
I guess woo won't be getting her THAT fur her birthday!
Tank woo fur sharing!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
That's a great prize!! ConCatulations!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
what an awesome prize! Plus, it's kitty approved :)
What a cool prize your mom won! And good job, Isabella, helping her open it!
Very pretty! (mommy better watch her new wallet! Looks like someone else wants it! )
What a fabulous gift, and how nice of you to unwrap it for her. I just told the folks at work today I needed a new wallet...
And naturally you look fabulous in the picture, sitting on the crunchy purple stuff.
Oh Isabella! Great job! Now you can help your mommy remember to buy all those yummy treats.
Thank you for the visit.
I'm expecting you and your friends again, whenever you have time
Have a nice day
Woo, Isabella! Your mom is so lucky! That's a beautiful wallet and check book cover! I really like the combination of the hot colors with the black and white!
You did a great job showing the prizes!
Hi! Thank you for your congrats. I want you to have one too as you are so supportive of my blog and I enjoy your's so very much! Please accept this award as you deserve it from me! OK?
Linda :)
Great wins! And I agree with Isabella...love the hot pink trim :)
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