As we've mentioned, we had a pawsome weekend thanks to receiving a Paw It Forward box from our furriends, the handsome Samson and the beautiful Delilah from The Monkeys! Our Canadian furriends sent a box full of toys and treats for all of us. The smells coming from the box were heavenly!

You two are taking too long, let's see what we have in here...

Holy cat! Look at all these goodies! We got treats and mousies and Delilah sent me Tortie approved soccer balls! Samson got Angel ladybugs from Casbah Kitten with his allowance - he's such a sweet Mancat.

Hey Angel, you like the Plague Rats huh?

This Plague Rat is filled with really good nip Isabella! Uhm, how come I see two of you now?

Even Sadie got some loot! She got bones and treats and a furry special Canadian beaver stuffed toy!

Thank you furry much Samson and Delilah! We love all our toys and treats and appreciate them all more than we can say! (Maybe we could say if we weren't in a nip induced stupor!)

If you'd like to pawticipate in the Paw It Forward, please say so in your comments on this post through midnight tonight. We'll take all the comments and draw the next pawticipant. We'd love to send you a box of goodies too so you can have as much fun as we are having! It's open to kitties and doggies so we hope you want to play along!
Wot a lovely stash! We can't do anovver "Paws it Forward" yet 'cos we still have a "Paws it Forward" to send to Fat Eric and his Mom (only Mom has been S L O W).
That was khwite a box of fun stuff!
It always looks as if 'nip should be such a khontrolled substance ;-)
Great pikh Sadie!
PeeEssWoo: I've done multiple P-I-F so I'll let others have a chance at having their TAIL(s) selekhted!
Sooooooo many presents,
You are buzzy today .... LOL
Have fun :)
We're so happy that you are enjoying all your presents! We just loved playing this game.
Sadie, you're such a sweetie letting Angel and Isabella sort through all the toys first. Isabella, Delilah is very excited that another tortie has some soccer balls (she is looking forward to exchanging stories). And Angel, you're adorable with the plague rat!
Samson wants to know if you can still smell him with all the nip smells. He spent a long time on that box before it was sent so you girls would know he was there
Look at all those goodies! I bet the furbabies are in 7th heaven :)
So precious...looks as if they're really having a ball
Wow - great pictures. They are like little kids at Christmas - can't wait to open the box to find the goodies inside. They surely get treated well.
This is such a sweet idea! How cute they are - unpacking the box full of goodies. I bet they are still having fun playing with those toys. I would love to be in on the paw it forward - so fun! Love, Moon
how funny! I cannot get over the last photo--weird how that stuff can just wear you out like that:)
I'm smiling so big my ears hurt!
That is a pawsome does the Paw It Forward work?
Please give Mommy "feel better" paws and purrrrsssss.... from me.
Oh that is such a great idea. Can't wait til we get our little dog. I will post pictures.
Have a good day.
Well, how exciting. Everyone looks nipped and happy.
Wow, Christmas came early at your house!
Geesh, it looks the the next morning after a wild frat party!
Wow! That's a lot of cool stuff you all'll be busy with all of that for a while!!
Wow this is like an early Christmas! You are lucky to have such nice friends.
What a wonderful gift box! You certainly have some very nice friends up here in the Great (not-so) White North!
Arwen thinks other pets should have a chance at the PIW as she is an only dog and probably gets lots of love being the one and only :)
P.S. The plague rat is hilarious and we hope everyone is healthy there :)
Wow, that's like Christmas in August! How fun!!!
Meowee! You got so much stuff, you look like you're swimming in it! What fun.
Wow, what a haul. That last picture says it all...they look exhausted. I guess they'll be sleeping it off for a while :) Does this mean that Sadie will be too tired for her Stroll with Sadie?
I would love to participate in Paw It Forward. What do I need to do?
What fun! new toys! nip!
Happy Birthday!
WOW! What generous friends! Those look like wonderful toys for all of you!!!
Angel, I love that picture of you and your Rat! :)
Tail wags,
PS: How many paws am I holding up? Ha roo roo roo!
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