Yesterday's Wordless Wednesday post showed all of us together in one room with me just waking up, my sisfur Isabella looking a little irritated and Sadie sticking her tongue out at the camera. Well, here's what happened leading up to that shot.
Me and Isabella were enjoying a nice nap on Mommy's legs during movie night downstairs. That's why the photos aren't all that great of quality, well, except for the subjects of course.

Uh oh, we hear someone coming.

It's our woofie sisfur Sadie in case you can't make out that blur as she stuck her snooter on us.

She almost started Woo-ing but Daddy stopped her just in time. It's one thing to wake us up but it's another to hear her loud Woo's too!

Sadie found the whole thing funny. We didn't find it amusing at all.

Do your sisfurs or brofurs disturb your naps too?
Anyway, have a great day!
Abby loves to bark at everything real and imaginary, and it interrupts our cat naps a bit, but mostly we just ignore her.
Angel, Gidget and Lola
I'm with ya, I dislike the loud woof's too, and around this neighborhood there are wayyyyyyyy too many of them. They wake me up almost every morning long before daylight, long before I have to get up out of my slumber. Oh bother.
Any idea whats going on at ec? I wasn't able to finish my drops last night after work, couldn't get in, did see an error message about something not talking to something and they were looking into it. Then this am, though I could sign in and drop, I can't sign into the forum to see about an announcement or something. Can you?
I know I'm using the right name and password, cause it's the same ...
One more cup of jo, then off to work I go.
Take an extra nap for me please.
There is no escaping the brofur and sisfurs around here. Even when you do get a nap started, the flashy box shows up.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
It's definitely a problem when brothers or sisters wake up the other one. Sadie looks like she really had a great time, though!
Here it's the poor dog who can't sleep. Toby and Ricky want to lay on top of Aggie (the dog). Then of course they have to purr and make the happy feet (sticking claws into dog). Dog moves, cats follow. Poor dog.
Oh, that's funny!! I love how you both sleep together and that you can fit on mom's lap. When the kitty sits on me, my legs go numb! Good thing Sadie didn't bark and scare everyone!
Hehehe...sisfurs are good about disturbing naps sometimes :)
I'm sure Sadie's woo's would wake you up, but her smile sure is something to enjoy!
I only have one brofur and we don't get along so he has to go in a different part of the house. I wish I could snuggle up with him but he's too mean to me. My wicked stepbrofur. I wish I had a sisfur like Sadie - I wouldn't mind the snooter cause I'm lonely. Love, Moon
Sadie was just wanting to sit on Mommies lap too. Isabella and Angel could have moved over a little bit. Sadie thought there was room.
Sadie looks happy about her practical joke! Harley is always jumping on me when I am trying to rest.
So cute. I wish my two would sleep on my lap together -- that is just so sweet.
We think these photos are very good - we love the first one! And Franklin is the one who can't leave anyone alone around here - especially poor Dobby!
I love all shots
SPECIAL the last one
its sooooo cute you all together:)
Kareltje =^.^=
Ha roo rooo rooooo! We showed the "before" and "after" to our Wordless Wednesday post today, too!
Dave always tries to mess with me while I'm napping!
Play bows,
Our new cat Pumpkin likes to horn in on Fred and Stinky's favorite sleeping spots.
Haha too funny!
Way to go Sadie!
Show the khats their place!
Angel, does your Mommy have a camera attached to her eyeball? I am thinking that Gloria Allred might come after her for violating your furrbaby rights!!
But tell her that I, for one, do not want her to stop. How else do I get my morning fix of furry smiles and tails, I mean, tales.
cute.. really cute..
I love that furry, purry puddle in your lap shot! At our house; dogs aren't allowed. We 'dogsat' one a few weeks ago & let me tell you; Fur flew; hissy fits galore; claws were shown, (not used) and we let our biped know in NO uncertain terms that animal was NOT allowed in the house! Glad that week is over. Our hoomins just laughed & found the entire thing highly amusing.
Oh yeah. That Alice jumps on me when I'm nappin and then I have to wrestle her down! She's such a pest. We don't have any doggies here but the neighbor's beagle is always running through our yard yelling about rabbits taking over the world or some such nonsense.
A-HAHAHAHAHA!! Arwen ALWAYS used to do that to Gandalf. If we tried to play with him, she had to join. If we tried to have 'cuddle time' she had to join. Too funny!
Ernie is always disrupting my naps! Something must be done about it!
LOL - Sadie must not have wanted to be awake all alone :)
Your fur babies are adorable! Love Sadie's smile. :)
they all look so innocent in the last pic! lol {:-D
Well Kenzie is the one that wakes me up! Many meows, but she's so cute I never get mad!
Your little pet family is so...very cute!!!
Linda :)
Those are great shots! I see that Sadie has quite a sense of humor:)
My Yorkie babies love to wake me up at 5:30am. They always want to go out and say hello to the sun!
That's a really cute story!
I don't know how you do it Sharla, but every day I visit your blog, I always leave with a smile...
One day I finally ventured back to my cat tree and was looking out the window when here comes our woofie, Abby, barking her head off right by my ears--I ran away quick! Can't stand that loud barking!
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