It's Tortie Tuesday and today's lesson is when you are hiding from your sisfur or brofur, be sure to blend into your surroundings.

I turned on my headlights to help you see me since I'm so well camouflaged! This is only for demonstration purposes. Be sure to turn off your headlights when your sisfur or brofur is approaching.
Happy Tortie Tuesday!
Very good tip!
Isabella - your camouflage is purrfect :)
Happy Tortie Tuesday,
That IS a great tip Isabella! Especially to turn off your headlights, they're a sure giveaway of where you are!
Great tip, Isabella! You do blend very well!!
We saw your mom's work over at Mishkat! Great earrings! Your mom does fabulous work!
LOL! Isabella does have incredibly outstanding headlights! It's as if she could really use those as flashlights!!
Linda :)
We would never have seen you without the headlights, Isabella! Your furs are perfect colors for blending in.
Great advice! Isabella, you are so wise.
LOL, I love it...though for extra-good camouflage you could sit IN the basket :)
No wonder cats see so well at night. Built in headlights.
Happy Tortie Tuesday, Isabella! We love the headlights. And we agree that torties have great camo (sometimes it makes it hard to get good photos of them!)
Nice try BUT I would still smell woo!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
Why would you want to hide from them...they're so cute :) As are you!
Cute cute cute, hope you win the game of hide n seek.
Camouflage: You're doing it right!
Oh, great job, Isabella! I like to go part way under a khaki chair - we think a lot alike!
Play bows,
Zim - Honorary Kitty-Cat!
Very good advice Isabella!
Such a pretty kitty Isabella!
very good camouflage indeed! We brown tigers would blend well too wih those surroundings, except for Angel's white hairs - she stands out no matter where she is - hee hee.
Angel, Gidget and Lola
I got a good chuckle of this Torti Tuesday! Great advice!
Thank goodness for the headlights... or I'd never even have noticed you! What a great hiding spot.
Happy Tortie Tuesday!
lol...too cute...thanks for checking out my blog post, too!!
Isabella, you give such great tips!
You could try sunglasses for those lights...I bet Mommy would love to capture that moment:)
Hi Isabella
You are great hiding but I can see your laser eyes ;)
Thanks for yout wonderful tips!!
Kareltje =^.^=
Good hiding Isabella!
that made me laugh out loud! headlights are necessary to ward off the siblings! :)
too cute! love those beamers!
I love love love your photos and dialogue!
yes, the headlights give you away! {:-D
And then POUNCE, right?
nothing like head lights to give the show away, go to keep them at least on dip.
Cute cat.
You almost blend in perfectly! Almost!
Isabella, if you hadn't turned on your high beams, we woulda never saw you there!
mommy is just rolling and making those sounds!
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