Happy Tortie Tuesday! Today's lesson in Tortieness is to do what makes you happy, recognize your strengths and enjoy everything you do. I am very happy when curled up on Mommy's lap while she's trying to work. 

I recognize that I am a master lap curler upper!

I enjoy it very much and it puts a smile on my face!

What do you enjoy that puts a smile on your face?
Isabella, you are certainly the queen of lap-curler-uppers! The smile photo is so cute!
I have never seen a bigger smile :))
I go smiling when I see CHEECE yummieeeeeeeeee ............
Great pictures today !!
I am smiling because I have my speed back and I am getting to make some visits!!
oh you are such a good curler upper!!Happy Tuesday!!
I can see you're enjoying yourself immensely Isabella!
Your smile looks like mine when mommy grooms me :)
I love it when my cats lay with me and let me pet them nice!
I like petting and playing with my doggie!
Awww, such a sweetheart. I too love it when I get to have a kitty curl up on my lap. Bentley gets so happy sometimes he drools!
Oh boy what a curly up!!! I LOVE your big smile, and as usual coming here makes me smile :O)
What do I enjoy that puts a smile on my face?
Well Bella, you and your fursters, and especially knowing that your Mommy is my friend!
If you made a puzzle out of that second picture it would be a real challenge to put together. That picture looks like a pile of parts is my favorite. Isabella you are the sweetest.
Let's call it twisty-tortie-Tuesday;)
I have never understood how cats can sleep in such strange positions!
I love that smile, too.
And chocolate, birds singing in the backyard and Spring days bring smiles to my face.
Morning Sharla :) The pics are soooo cute today! And thanks for the compliment on my bracelet :)
You have an adorable little smile!
So pretty!! I love the last picture the most :)
Awwwwww - those are great photos! Isabella really is the queen of lap curling.
I wish our cats would do that instead of standing between us and the computer screen :)
Oh that is too cute. So beautiful you always are. I am sorry I have not been by to say hello, I have not been up to par that past few weeks, but I am getting there by golly.
I hope you all are doing well, I know it's tax time so I am sure your pretty busy. God bless.
Yay for tortiness! She really knows how to relax!
Playing with khytties of khourse!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
Oh, I would smile if I could rub that soft, furry belly of yours Isabella!
Looking at these photos is what makes me smile :) You have Tortiness down to a science, Isabella!
Aww lap kitties keep you warm too.
What puts a smile on my face? Seeing those tiny fangs peekin out of that delicious tortie smile!
I think I'd never get anything done if you were in my lap! Especially when you are all warm & toasty & vibraty.
Those pictures are great. I especially like the "foot shot". Thanks for brightening my day ;-)
I love it when you post little inspirations here...
Truthfully, I'd love to do what you're doing, but I'll settle for snuggling on top of my mom's feet.
A beautiful Tortie always makes me smile!!
You ARE the Queen of Lap Curler Uppers! I'm use more of the sprawl/squizzle technique but it doesn't seem to work very well. I will study your pictures very closely....
Just think - your almost there! It'll be great to see you around BHR again :)
I was thinking of you anyway when I got the e-mail notification of your comment - I'm filing my taxes :P
animals so full of personality!
look at those cute pads!
black cat, in my country yuo have called "kucing garong"
nice to meet you
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