The rules we must follow in accepting this award are:
1) Thank the person giving the award
2) Copy award to your blog
3) Place a link to their blog
4) Name 7 things people don't know about you
5) Nominate 7 bloggers
6) Place a link to those bloggers
7) Leave a comment on the blog letting them know about the awards
Okay, now for the 7 things people don't know about us. Hmmm, this is tough but here goes:
Me (Angel)
1) I wish I was tall. I love to be picked up so I can see what is on the shelves, on the cabinets, on the top of the closet - everything that is up high is what I want to see.
2) I like to lay on Mommy and Daddy's lap but on my terms. If it's not my idea, it ain't happening.
1) I like to lay on Mommy and especially Daddy's lap on any terms. I stay wherever I'm put and can get comfortable and fall asleep in 20 seconds.
2) I'm a "wet noodle" cat. When someone picks me up, my body goes limp so it's like picking up a big wet noodle.
1) I am Mommy's shadow. I follow her around the house all the time.
2) I can do what I want to my sisfurs but I don't like them doing the same to me. If they sniff me, I growl. If they touch me, I growl. For some reason they ignore me though.
3) Recently I was told I might have Cushings Disease. I went in to the v-e-t for a blood test before getting my teefs cleaned and the test showed my liver enzymes are high. I have no other symptoms so am under no treatment since the v-e-t says it'd make me sicker. I feel fine and don't act any differently but it upsets my mommy cause she's worried about me.
We can't pick just 7 blogs so consider it given to all of our readers if you'd like to accept!
Hope you enjoyed learning more about us! Thanks again to Catherine for the award!
Have a great Sunday!
I really enjoyed learning those things about you all! Congratulations on your award.
Congratulations on the award and thank you for sharing those interesting facts, but I'm saddened to read about Sadie's blood test results. I dearly hope that subsequent tests will show improved levels. Sending positive vibes your way...
Nice to read more about you all
Congratulations on your award :-)
Enjoy your sunday .....
Kareltje =^.^=
Well done on the award!
cute! I have a shadow too! MJ has special places to sit in each room... so it's not like the sun is shining in the house...
Congrats on the award. Sounds like Angel has a little bit of a crush on a handsome little kitty :)
it's fun learning new things about other people, cats or dogs. Hope Sadie is doing ok
Oh I'm so sad to hear about Sadie. I think it's good though that she isn't taking meds. Some animals get even sicker when they take meds. I do hope she will be healthy for a very very long time though! That made me laugh about Isabella being a wet noodle kitty. Awwwww!!!! And Angel, I know all kitties want to be taller. I know a darling Jack Russell pup that loves to be picked up and walked aroung the place just to be on eye level of a human and just look at everything he can't see. That's all he does is look intensely at everything. I think that makes you a very smart kitty!
Yall all are so very precious!!!
and I sure have missed visiting yall!
Linda :)
Congratulations on the award!
I have been offline for ten days do to computer problems. I am sitting at the public library, trying to catch up. If you have had your ad on my widget during the 11th to the 15th of January, let me know in a comment and you can get an extra thank-you-link.
Best wishes,
Enjoy your lazy Sunday :)
Love all the little facts :)
Hugs to Sadie...and her Mommy!
Banjo really is a cutie, we'll have to go say hello! And congrats on your award!
We can see why you are dreaming about Banjo...he is handsome! Congrats on your award! And we're sorry to hear about Sadie. Mom has a friend who's woofie has Cushings...with proper care, that woofie is doing good!
We know a couple of woofies with Cushings disease and they are all doing well...we know Sadie will too!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Congrats on the award, encouraging you to pass it along; that's part of the fun.
Cute picture, and today is a pur...fect day to relax.
Hey, Congrats on the award! I just went to that blog and liked it! Thanks for the lead.
Banjo is very handsome, you have good taste in Mancats!
That was a fun 7 things to read about! :) Well - except Sadie being sick. *hugs for Sadie*
Congratulations on your award! Sending healing purrs to Sadie - Cushing's disease is one of those things that's complicated to diagnose, so it may even be something else going on.
Than you for all the information about you put in the post
Very interesting to know more about our friends
KhonKhats&Grats on your award -
Tank woo fur sharing those tidbits!
I have even more proof Sadie rokhks!
PeeEssWoo: We are sorry to see the potential news on Sadie BUT there are plenty of resources available for infurmation...
Congratulations on your award! I am really sorry to hear about Sadie, but I know that she will be just fine. Did the vet tell you anything else?
I will be keeping you all in my prayers.
I can see why you are dreaming of Banjo - it's those blue eyes!
Seems like lots of our blog furiends are having a lazy Sunday - we are too busy outside keeping our eyes on our shrinking snow piles.
Congrats on the award, but sorry to hear that about Sadie. Dakota had Cushing's and with the right treatment and if it works, Cushing's is something most dogs can live a long time with.
Tail wags, Phantom and Thunder
Congratulations, you guys!
Play bows,
PS: Sadie - I hope you're OK!!! Sending you lots of love!!
I'm jealous of Banjo! I wish you were dreaming of me Angel! I'm worried about Sadie now too, so is my Mom, 'cause we love her! Love, Moon
Angel you are so cute! I will give Banjo a kiss for you! It was fun to learn a little bit more about you, Isabella and Sadie ~ Banjo and I love checking in on you every day! Warm hugs!
Awww, Angel you look so cozy, warm and cuddly enjoying your nap, and Banjo, you are totally beautifu!
Nice to know more about all of you =) Congrats on the award! Missie said that she hopes Sadie will be a happy, healthy pup! We hope so, too and so do our visiting woofs!
Lova and Cookie, Pal and Forrest
Gotcha and Glory (visiting woofs)
Chocolate and Chip (visiting ratsies)
dreaming is good, especially about such a handsome cat as Banjo!
My daughter's new kitty Tigra is a "wet noodle" cat, too, and falls asleep quickly (but only if tired) in any position.
PS: Catherine's blog is great! How fun to have found this blog through you!
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