Happy Tortie Tuesday everyone! I'm just laying here reading your blogs and enjoying every word and every photo! 

Although all of us read your posts, we may not always be able to comment cause our C.P.A. (Cats Purrsonal Assistant) thinks she's too busy at work being another type of C.P.A. to help us comment. Can you believe that?

She should know that we only have Relax seasons, not Tax seasons! Until we get her trained better, I just wanted to let you know in advance.
Hope you have a Relaxing Tortie Tuesday!
Isabella, we TOTALLY understand. Here it's Christmas season that's so busy. That's when Momma's working 12-14 hr days and SOMETIMES she remembers to pet us! Don't worry though, Tax season will end and if you just look cute every day your Mommy will feel guilty and lavish you with attention. It worked for us!
Isabella, we understand that Mom is very busy.You need to give her lots of purrs and head bumps so can relax for a few minutes too. Have a good day.
We are all for the Relax season idea!
We are all very understanding. But please stop saying that dirty word....t.a.x.
Hi Isabella! We know just how you feel! Now that my Mommeh is working full time again, we don't have nearly enough time to comment on all of our friends' blogs. But we still read them all and try to keep up with all the news!
Oh, join the club. It is nice to be done with EC because I don't feel like I have to spend hours on the computer anymore. I do a lot more leisurely reading and commenting and some days I do very little. It's nice to have a comment-less day--so you get the mulligan by me any time!
We have confidence that you will get your CPA trained perfectly, Isabella! You're extra beautiful today too
We know sometimes it's hard to get good help - that is what my kitties tell me all the time! I'm sure you're a good helper to your C.P.A.!
Wooos! Nothing like tax season, it is enough when Mum gets too taxed out to take us for walkies! Yucky taxes.....
woo look so cute there laying on the computer, our Bentley cat needs a friend want to come over to play?
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Relax season sounds way better than Tax season...we need to let the government know about this one :)
Well,Isabella, once my son caught sight of you there was nothing remotely relaxing about my time on the computer. He lept onto my lap and kept yelling, "cat! cat!"
Your CPA does not have much longer:)
Hi Isabella,
Have a lovely relaxin' day!
Love the adorable pic of the Isabella and the laptop!
Relax is better than tax...but tax returns=monies for temptations and toys!
Super great photo - you look mahvelous, dahling, simple mahvalous!
This is how the publicist gets in the summer when the garden comes in. She goes around muttering about canning and freezing things and how she's so busy.
I will never understand humans.
Heh. My human isn't even a CPA and she's been obsessing over those stupid "taxes" too. Because she is lazy and disorganized, it takes her days to gather a year's worth of paperwork and numbers to take to her CPA - time that would be far better spent playing with me!
Hope you have a great day!!
Maybe Sadie will help!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie! Khan woo help?
aw, C.P.A's can be challenging at times. Hang in there, soon things will be back to normal!
We totally understand because our mom can't always comment for us either! What is it with moms these days!
Oh Isabella, that is the cutest pose I've seen in a long time! Don't worry about your mommy - she is working hard to buy you more treats and toys! Tell her not to worry, we'll all be right here when she gets back :)
Hugs and nose taps,
Meg and Arwen
aww Isabella it's understandable that your CPA is busy with other things. If you be very very patient with her maybe she'll catch on to relax season soon enough
I've had many days like that! just sitting in front of the computer, and not wanting to work! Hope your Wednesday is better Isabella!
Life is busy here too, Isabella. Our CPA stands for Ciara Pup Assistance:) We all just have to do the best we can - we appreciate it any time you come to visit.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We're enjoying seeing your beautiful tortie face today, Isabella!!
Great picture, now you just need to teach her how to drop Entrecards for you :-)
Poor Isablla ~ if only you had opposable thumbs you could tappidy tap tap your own blog messages. But alas, you need mom's help. So if she is busy, I guess waite you must! sigh... :)
Clearly having opposable thumbs did not help my typing IsabElla!
"Oof...Mom, are we done yet? I'm exhausted!"
Oh, Isabella! What great pix! Your mom isn't working you too hard, is she?!?
I think I need a nap!
Play bows,
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