Since today is daylight savings time, we have to nap an extra hour in order to stay caught up on our beauty sleep.

It's a tough job but we think we can handle it!
Speaking of jobs, our Pawsistant is way, way, WAY behind on her job of acknowledging some awards so she needs to do some catching up too. Here's some awards we've won in the past month or so. We're sorry for them being so late!
Grampy from Grampy's World, Pam from Magdalene Jewels, and Rose from The Beadings and Buttons of Randomcreative gave us the Sunshine Award!
The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspires others in the blog world. We certainly love Sunshine so really appreciate this award! Thank you so much Grampy, Pam and Rose!

Duni from Lovely Purses, Kristi from My Pet Savings and Cissy from Thoughts of a Mother, Wife and Daughter gave us the Beautiful Blogger Award!

We are very grateful to receive the Beautiful Blogger award! Thank you so much Duni, Kristi and Cissy!
Teri and the cats of Furrydance and Smudge, Spider and their mom Kas gave us the Sweet Friends Award! 

We're honored to be considered sweet and very happy to be their friends so thanks so much for this award!
And last but certainly not least, Sparkle the Designer Cat gave us the Superior Scribbler award!

This award has been going around since 2008. If you wish to read more about this award, please visit Scholastic Scribe. We're really honored to receive this award from Sparkle! Sparkle is very beautiful and she has a Tortie sisfur named Binga!
We're caught up on acknowledging our awards now! Thanks again to everyone who gave us an award! We've seen others who've received these awards but if you haven't, please feel free to take the ones you'd like.
We're going to get back to our nap now...
We have this daylightsaving thing on the 28th of March. Maybe we should already start catching up with snoozes. ZzzZZzzZZzzz...
Concats on all the awards!
Well ladies I think I am going to do the same thing. I have a stomach virus and feel like warmed over death. So I will join you in the napping today.
Congrats on your awrads. Have a great nap - one good thing about Daylight Savings time: dinner will come an hour sooner!
I slept in later than usual too to get caught up. It was nice. Pleasant dreams! I dreamed I took my cats to work with me and no one even noticed. It was our well-kept secret.
Glad you caught some extra ZZZZs, maybe I will later. Nice awards!
Congrats on all your awards and they are well deserved. And we sure are going to take a nap today too. This business of losing an hours sleep just isn't good. So have some great naps all of you.
Congrats on your awards - they are all well deserved. Happy Sunday!
Congratulations on your awards. Happy napping
Congrats on all the award, you so deserve them and that looks like a very comfy place to catch up on your much needed beauty sleep!
Congrats on all your deserve each and every one of them :)
Now make sure you get plenty of beauty sleep :)
Wow, and I thought MY human was sleeping on the job when it took her a month to post just one award! I'm not surprised that your blog won all those others too - I really enjoy it!
Congratulations on your wonderful awards.
You deserve them!!!!
Fab awards. Enjoy yoor snooze!
Uh oh, I think I still have one to post. I always forget those things!
Definitely a nap day - I can hear my husband snoring in the next room, there is a fat gray cat over there on the couch in my office; I had to dispossess the orange boy from my chair and the little girl is curled up next to a heat register wondering where did the warm go...
These time change things always confuse our mom for at least a week.
Congrats on all the cool awards!
Tail wags,
Hope you, Sadie and Angel get caught up on your sleep! Banjo and I don't have to do that ~ Saskatchewan's time doesn't change. We always stay the same ~ lucky us! :)
I'm with you guys on the catch-up sleeping! I could go for a nap right now!
Congratulations on all the awards!
Lazy Isabella ......... LOL
Love it to see you like that
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
Congrats on these awards. We are having a lazy Sunday today and loving it!
KhonKhats on that great basket of awards!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
Congratulations on your awards! Enjoy your extra naps.
I'm catching up on my sleep too! You look so cozy. Congrats to your Mommy for all her awards! Love, Moon
Congratulations on your awards, and have a GREAT nap, we're going to have a good nap as well :)
Those awards are great! You deserve each one of them.
Mom says tomorrow morning is going to be brutal...what does she mean by that??
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We've been discombobulated all day because of this time thing chage. And our "assistant" known as mom is also waaaay behind in helping us acknowledge awards that we've received! We just can't get good help! Congrats on all your great awards!
Congrats on the awards! very cute photo ;-) Everyone is sleeping here except the human. What's up with that????
wowsers! That's a lot of awards :)
Blog awards are so much fun...and you got so many :)
Congrats on all of the awards!
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