
A girl's gotta do what she can to keep her figure!

What're you laughing at Daddy?

Hope you have a good Tortie Tuesday!
Addendum to yesterday's post: We guess we forgot to tell you what was going on in our cul-de-sac causing all the commotion. Well, the workers have been around for about a month now replacing electrical cables underneath the sidewalks and they had finally made it to the front of our house last week. In addition to disturbing our sleep in the past month, they've cut lines (on accident?) causing our electricty to go out twice for 4-6 hours each time and they've cut off our phone service and our water each for a couple of hours. We hope they are about done so we can have some peace and quiet and Mommy doesn't get upset any more when she can't get on the internet!
Well yoo are lookin' very trim so that exercise ball is werking!
We don't know why your daddy is laughing either... You do look too cute!
You are looking really cute,
why have your Dad a big ^___^ .. ?
Maybe because he loves you.
Oh yes! When mommy can't get on the internet lookout. My wife really lets me know all about it if the internet is not working. Hope they get the wires fixed soon.
You look so pretty my dear
I think that you daddy loves you
I appreciate you a lot
Oh Isabella! I hope you don't start doing the log roll - walking on the ball while it rolls...then mommy might have to charge admission :)
I hope the workers finish soon to give you some peace and quiet!
I'm just impressed that you can balance on that thing! Maybe you should join the circus!
You have a perfect figure, Isabella! We can see why now! An exercise ball sounds fun, can they throw it to chase?
We think you are purrfect! We are amazed at your balancing ability too!!!
We hope they finish that project and nothing else gets shut down!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We think you have a purrfect figure!
We sure hope they finish up that work so you guys can have some peaceful naps again!
Love the tag for the post "because i'm beautiful":) And,yes, Isabella, you are beautiful!
Hope all of the work is completed soon.
Isabella, You are so cute! You look great :O)
Isabella...you don't need to work out...you're purrrfect just the way you are :)
Not having power/internet is never fun! We were without for like 5 hrs. yesterday! But we got the line burried :) One step closer to the house being done!!!
I hope they have the work in your neighborhood finished. Sounds like a pain putting up with power outages.
You balance very well on that exercise ball. I should get one of those to sit on while I'm at the computer!
How did she ever balance on that ball? She is amazing! And beautiful too!!
Also, An award is waiting for you over at Candles, Crafts and Whatnot. Congrats!
:) Kat
Wow Isabella, I'm very impressed that you can balance so well on that ball. No wonder you're looking so svelte!
I hope they get everything squared away in the hood soon so you can have some peace and quiet - power and internet are good, too!
How is Isabella balancing on that ball? Is she de clawed? Peace and quite soon.
Work It, Isabella!!!
My kitty is growing up to look just like your kitty! hehee...
My daughter sits on one of those balls at the dinner table! No chairs at her table! She says it helps strengthen her back. Go Kitty, Don't let anyone look down on you!
LOL!!! Maybe Isabella can give me some pointers in the gym.
Anne ^i^
Lol! She really does look put out in that last photo!
And what a lot you've been putting up with, vis a vis all the line work. Glad they're nearly done and out of your hair.
Sounds like those workers need some retraining.
You look very relaxed on that exercise ball....
Wowzers, Isabella! You must have great balance!
Ooh... as much as I love to watch bipeds work, we wouldn't be happy with that cutting the lines part!
Play bows,
We're just amazed that you can balance like that! (And we don't think your dad should laugh - it's not respectful!)
P.S. Our mom says she hopes those pesky electricians get off your street soon :).
Thanks, Isabella for working out on your exercise ball. That means that I can have the day off :)
Sooo cute! I'm very impressed with your balancing skills Isabella
Issy; you clearly don't need any excersize to stay trim. I just want to smoosh my face right in that yummy tortie tummy! You are so adorable! Of course your Daddie loves you! We all know why.
Now use yer claws, deflate that silly ol ball & take a proper nap!
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I've got one of those balls. You look better on yours than I do on mine :)
Isabella you look si smart, sleek and healthy doing your exercises!! I should be doing that myself!!:-)
I khould help woo trim up even more ;-)
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
How do you balance on there Isabella?! That's talent!
Do a couple of exercises for me while your on there Isabella! I hope those noisy pains are done making all that noise! Happy Tortie Tuesday! Love, Moon
Isabella, our Mom tells us that exercise balls are very popular in schools these days to keep children moving and having good posture. You look quite nice on yours.
And you can tell your Mom that the snake TD had the other day was quite a bit fatter than our salmon chews. And our Momster adds that they really did STINK, but oh, they tasted so good.
woos, the OP Pack
Aww what a sweet tortie!!
You are so amazing - balancing on a ball like that.
We can all use more exercise, for sure.
We think you're purrfect just the way you are, Isabella! You don't need any exercise. But you balance quite well there, don't you??
We hope all the noise stops in your street! Sounds like those worker guys don't know what they are doing!!
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