It's the best day of the week again - it's Sadieday! Come along on a stroll with me and my mommy! We're going to go a different way today so hope you can keep up with me! Come on, let's go!

There's alot of trees this way. Duck your head!

We're almost out of the tree-y part so keep on comin'!

Did you get any cobwebs in your hair Mommy? (She gets the eebie jeebies when she runs into cobwebs. Ha roo roo!)

Well, we're nearing the end of today's stroll.

Hope you enjoyed going along with me!
Have a Happy Sadieday!
That was a very nice stroll, Sadie! Looks like you have nice sunny weather over there :)
I always enjoy strolling with you Sadie. I think you enjoy mommy getting cobwebs in her hair just a little too much
We enjoyed that route today. Thank you for taking us along, Sadie!
Wow Sadie! You were really off-roading it today weren't you? That looks like a lot of fun. Momma get's the eebie jeebies about spiderwebs too but we have a spider that lives on our front porch. Have a great weekend!!
We love strolling with you, Sadie! Our mom gets the heebie jeebies with cobwebs too!!
EWW spider webs! I'll get those spiders for your Mom! Happy Sadieday!! Love, Moon
have a nice day
I really enjoyed that since I didn't get any walks on Friday!
It has stopped raining so I WILL get at least one later!
Happy Best Day of the Week: Sadie-Day!
I love Isabella and Angel, so don't get me wrong - but I LOVE Stroll With Sadie Day! I wish I could be right beside you, Sadie - but this is almost as good!
Play bows,
PS: I made my mom walk right into a sticky spider web full of "icky" stuff just the other day! Ha roo roo roo! I think she got a dose of the Heebie Jeebies, too! ;)
I just love Sadie-days!
thanks for the srtoll Sadie :)
I did enjoy my 'walk'. What lovely, peaceful scenery.
Thank you for the nice, relaxing stroll. I look forward to these every week! When I was building our wall, I would intentionally wait to read Sadieday until I was done, because it gave me something to look forward to.
Thank you and have a great Sadieday!
Looks like a lovely walk--is that near where you live? Seems very pretty :)
I like the way your tail curls....
it's been pouring rain all day today. We've been sticking in-doors! {:-D
Thanks, Sadie, that was so much fun. Our Mom doesn't like the spider webby things either.
Play bows, the OP Pack
We're right there with you and we enjoyed every step!
Sadie I can't believe you are so good that you get to go off leash!! Wow!!! What a good girl you must be for Mommy!
That was so refreshing! And tell your mom, if she wants petunias to rebloom--try cutting them back! There could still be time for a new flush before frost (yikes, what am I saying?)
Its always so wonderful to walk with you Sadie :)))))
We enjoy it every weekend !!!!
Another great stroll with Sadie :) I hate those cobwebs too!!!
Wow, super beautiful
Sadie, you know the best places to stroll!
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