The current Etsybloggers blog carnival by Edi at Memories For Life SB is the choice of:
1) Show your face! I love to know the artist behind the work. Show us a picture of yourself and talk about your work, life...whatever. Interview yourself if you like.
1) Show your face! I love to know the artist behind the work. Show us a picture of yourself and talk about your work, life...whatever. Interview yourself if you like.
2) you don't want to show your us your studio instead. Where do you create? Do you like it/want something different? What is your favorite part about where you create?
Mommy doesn't have a studio, she creates jewelry on the dining room table, and she prefers to be behind the camera so she didn't know what to do for this blog carnival. To help her out, we decided to post this picture of Isabella with Mommy in the background. But don't tell her we posted it because she does not want her picture on the blog!

She also doesn't like to talk about herself so we'll tell you a little about her. Mommy is a CPA (Cat's Purrsonal Assistant although she pretends it means Certified Public Accountant) and she works from home which we like very much. Mommy also loves animals very much and her dream is to one day start an organization that helps find homes for pets when their owner has a terminal illness or other health issue that doesn't allow them to care for their pets. In these situations, the owner would hopefully be able to help in the process of choosing their pet's new home so they can be at peace with knowing they will be in a loving home once they no longer can care for them.
She'd also help find homes for pets left behind after their owners have passed away from other causes and no one is left to care for them. She got the idea after reading about a local woman who was killed in a car accident, leaving behind her cat. Although the woman was married, the cat and her husband didn't get along so he didn't want to care for the cat. Pets mourn the loss of their loved ones too so Mommy wants to help them find a furever home where they will continue to be loved like before.
Besides all that, she'd love to own many acres in the country where she could give furever homes to many homeless animals so they could experience the love they deserve like we do. So cross your fingers that she wins the lottery someday so she can do everything she wants to do for animals plus buy an endless supply of Temptations for us!
We hope you enjoyed getting to know our mommy a little better. Remember, don't tell her about the photo!
OMG...I LOVE THIS the read too...thanks for sharing a bit about the beaded tail...
Thanks for sharing. It is always nice to see the pictures of who is behind the scenes. Don't worry I won't tell her I saw the picture. And don't tell her I think she is very cute.
Have a mischievous day.
Your mommy is a beautiful person inside and out!
Thanks for sharing.
Yes we can see now who is behind the computer ... LOL
Nice to meet your Mommy,
we tell nothing ssstttt... ;)
And very nice to now more about your Mommy.
She is also special for us,
she never forget to visit us :)))
She is one of our first blogfriends from the USA yeahhh...
She is a very good and friendly person :)
hugs to all
Kareltje =^.^=
This is marvelous! It is just wonderful to see you and also read about your wonderful dreams.
I have fingers and toes crossed for you!!
This is just a purrfect post. I really enjoyed it so very very much!!
Great blog post, kitty you did a great job talking about!!
The interview of your Mom is great! We think she's a beautiful human, inside and out!
We won't mention the photo but you both look gorgeous!
Not only is your mommy very pretty, but she is also very kindhearted! We love her ideas to start and organization for animals whose owners pass away, what a wonderful idea. We hope she is able to make that dream come true one day soon.
Our dad's friend died last year around this time, leaving behind his two rescue kitties. He lived alone and his family was out of state and didn't want to take the kitties. We took in his kitties and found them new homes. It happens a lot and most of the time the pets get left behind.
What a great photo and it is SO nice to learn more about you! I love the idea of helping find homes for animals whose owners can't care for them anymore. That is a great idea :)
Yay! Finally a glimpse of the wonderful person behind one of my favourite blogs! It's so nice to 'meet' you, Sharla - don't be shy, you're a beautiful person inside and out! My mom and I always had this dream of someday owning a retreat for abused animals of all kinds...yeah, winning the lottery would help a lot :)
I love this post!
Fun and sneeking picture. How clever of you to get it posted like that. Which puzzles me. How did you manage without getting a glare? I've tried a couple of times to do a self portrait for a specific reason, looked into the mirror but, really had not luck with the photo.
Nice dream, and good luck with lottery.
I'm floored that people were concerned about me, my post was only a week old. But, very touched that people missed me. Hugs.
Great photo. Your dreams of rehoming pets sounds wonderful. So many deserving animals that need loving homes.
LOVE IT :) So glad you decided to show your beautiful face!!!
And your animal plans and a place in the country sound awesome! I hope they all come true :)
Oh, your Mommy is purrty. And she has a bit of gold in her hair like your furs. I enjoyed reading about your human, you must do that more often. Now go buy a lotto ticket!
Your mommy is an awsome person...the world needs more people like her.
Just last week, a vet tech I know rescued a 4-year-old cat that was brought in to be euthinized because it's owner passed away...I just can't imagine.
I hope your mommy wins the lottery soon...I'll be thinking happy thoughts!
Your mom is pretty. I hope one day her dreams for helping animals all come true.
You have a furry purrty mommy!!! We hope she wins the lottery too, and our mom! Our mom would like to do something along those sorts. We have a post from maybe in July(?), which is about our mom and her picture. You can go there to read a little bit about her!!! Thanx for sharing your mom with all of us today!!!
Maya wants to be a circus performer. Maybe you could do an act together.
Woo! I luved getting to know your mom a little better! And what a great picture of the two of you. Maybe it's just the lighting - but is she trying to match your colors, Isabella? Can't blame her - your colors are sooooo rich and beautiful!
Guide Dog for the Color Blind
Your Moms dreams are similar to mine. I would like to have a huge ranch and take in handicap animals, badly neglected or mistreated animals, animals that should have been left to be wild. I would give them a heaven on earth. Let your mommy know that I would like to help with the organization. My thoughts: providing volunteer care for animals in their homes of owners that are temporarily & unexpectedly hospitalized. I do live in Las Vegas, where your mom visits her mommy.
I love this picture, too!
It was so nice to "meet" your mom. She sounds like she does some really amazing things -- what a great person she is!
Don't worry, I won't tell about the photo either, except to say that your mommy is much braver than me :) Those sound like fantastic ideas. It is something that many, including myself, don't even take into consideration. I know that mt mom worries about what will happen to her cats (she takes in strays and makes sure they are spayed/neutered and cares for them). Knowing that there was someone who would make sure her cats had a good home would be a weight lifted from her shoulders. I really hope that you are successful.
You are so cute! You have nothing to worry about with putting your picture on the blog!
We are so glad you tricked your mommy. It was very interesting getting to know her and we wish, wish, wish her dream comes true!
oh, your mommy is beautiful inside & out!
thanks for showing us what a compassionate soul your mommy is! :)
Aaaw Kitty, your Mommy is beautiful!
I hope that some day her dream will come true and be able to help all those poor fur babies.
Thanks for sharing :)
Wonderful picture!
All the best
Txs for the comment
Cute, cute, cute.
I must say I didn't want to do this topic either. You came up with a very clever solution.
First off--must state that---here is the evidence that the camera IS attached to your mommy's face! We can tell that is was removed only momentarily for this photo. (Did Angel or Sadie take it?)
Being a Cat's Personal Assistant is the most important job there is! How lucky for you! Your mommy's dream organization idea is the best ever!
We really enjoyed seeing your mommy and hearing all about her!
Oliver and Earnest
(and our mom, too!--Margaret)
Great post - such a wonderful Mom you have - both talented and kind. Thanks for sharing with us.
Woos, the OP Pack
Thank you for showing the photo of your beautiful Mommy!
And what kind thoughts she has to want to help animals find new homes when their mommies and daddies pass away or no longer can take care of them. We all hope she will be able to realize her dream!
Soft paws, purrs and nose-taps to you from
Sara Cat, Mamma-Cajsa and Calle Cat
awww...tell mommy with a purr & a snuggle that she just rocks! What a beautiful heart and um, oh wait, no, can't say that, there was *cough* no picture *cough* to show us just how pretty on the outside too ;)
Your mommy has the same dream as me! :)
So nice to see your beautiful Mommy and get to know her a bit more!
What a sneaky way to post your mommy's, em.....I mean, WHAT A LOVELY PICTURE OF YOU, ISABELLA. (no one knows I blabbed do they?)
Your mom's a wonderful person and we hope she gets to do all those things.
thanks angel, for the great pic! Your mommy is a beautiful person, all round! {:-D
Wow your mom is really cute! It is fun to see your mom finally!
What a purrfect post! Thanks so much for sharing and I've got my fingers crossed for all of you!
What a great post today Isabella! I always wanted to see what your Mama looks like! I could tell that she was a beautiful person on the inside from what you had told us before but now I see that she's beautiful on the outside too!
Your Mommy is so pretty! And she's so sweet for wanting to help kitties. My Mommy wants to help kitties too by opening a rescue and her dream is to have a Wolf sanctuary some day. I'm glad you shared more about your Mommy so I could get to know her better! Love, Moon
Sharla, what a fantastic idea! My mom got her dog when he was about 3 years old, due to his past momma passing away... They clicked instantly and we just knew it would be a perfect match... I wish it were that simple all the time. ♥
Hehe it was nice meeting your mommy :)
Another great round for Friday!! I love them all and it's always so far to pick a favorite.
Happy weekend!!:-)
thanks for commenting on my blog - best of all to you on selling the items for the animal charities.
I tried to use your "contact" section but I could not submit that way since no matter how many times I typed in the verification code it would not approve it as typed
Your mummy is a wonderful person and I will not say a word about the photo of her. Isabella, you look beautiful in that photo!
Huffle Mawson
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