It's Tortie Tuesday once again! Today I'm going to talk about one of my favorite things - boxes. I love boxes, all kinds of boxes even unopened ones. There's just always something very comforting about laying in or on a box.

Until that flashy box comes and disturbs me while I'm laying on my box.

But since I'm a smart Tortie, I have figured out how to continue enjoying my box without being disturbed by that flashy box. 

Now back to my nap.
How do you outsmart the flashy box?
You look furry cute in the pics, Isabella. I love Tortie Tuesdays!
But I don't like boxes at all :)
many purrs,
Beautiful cat. I have one with similar markings in Blue Cream. They are such good pets! Mia prefers a nice soft blanket though.
Boxes are our absolute favorite! Any size or shape - so much fun. We are disturbed by the flashy box as well - so annoying - we just turn our backs and they go away.
Unfortunately, we've been unsuccessful in outsmarting the darn flashy box. We are gonna try to hide it from mom!
We are never able to escape the flashy box either!
You look beautiful on the box though, Isabella
We know the answer to your problem ~ Lay ON the FLASHY BOX!!!!!!!!
I love boxes too. Not so much for the box, but for what's in the box;)
I don't know what it is about a cat and a box...but they are life's best :)
I love watching our kittens run in and out of boxes and play with them!
Nothing like a cat and a box! Too cute. :)
Haha what a cutie!
That's one box we don't like...the flashy box!!!
You look good from every angle, Isabella!
If you ever find a way, be sure to let us know - that flashy box can really be annoying.
woos, the OP Pack
The Back of Disrespect is a good strategy! Sometimes I just squinch my eyes together.
Ahhh to have a cat's life! ♥
Earnest days to tell Isabella that she's his kind of girl! He adores boxes! If there's a box to be sat on, he is sure to be found there. How to avoid the flashy box? easy. Just change positions or stop doing what they are trying to take a picture of, and they will give up and go away. "Works for me," says Earnest. "It may not work for you since your mom has her camera attached to her face, or so I've heard."
Happy Tortie Tuesday! You look beautiful today, Isabella - and our mom says you are a good girl not to chew on that box!
We doesn't like the flash at all, but we really enjoy posing once we realize the flash is off. So we're trying to get our mom to take photos in natural light only (this is easier said than done!)
Happy Tortie Tuesday Isabella! You look very lovely and very comfy there.
Rascal loves paper bags and Puma just loves anything that is soft!
Happy day:-)
Haha! Smart tortie!
My two cats outsmart the flashy box by making silly faces so the picture comes out crazy -- you saw them on today's Two Cats Tuesday on my blog! :)
Lovely pics Isabella
you are....
very, but very beautiful
Have a wonderful week
Good for you Isabella! I usually turn away from cameras too, but Arwen is truly the master - she comes right up and tries to lick the lens! This usually ensures that the person with the camera backs away and gives up :)
i get snubbed all the time by my sweeties! they don't like my paparrazzi style!! :)
enjoy your naptime cutiepie! :)
Very cute indeed. And very smart. Knows how to dodge that camera. Enough is enough.
Smart kitty, Isabella! Are you a "gazinta" (goes into) too?
Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Yes, Always something about kitties and boxes. I have never had a box that my kitties did not enjoy, well, except for their box case when it's time to go to the vet or travel somewhere! I now that kitties love paper bags too!
You have caught Isabella in such a darling pose. Obviously she has claimed that box as hers! LOL!
Linda :)
So pretty and smart too!!
Who could resist taking your picture??
I usually threaten people with flashy boxes with instant death...
I've learned it benefits me more NOT to fight it!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
I know it's weird.... but me and Dave love the flashy box. We can't help it.
Play bows,
PS: You are so gorgeous! That second picture of you is especially wonderful!!
Smart kitty!
Cats do love boxes...almost as much as goats love grain!
Oh my goodness! I just took photos of Alice ignoring the flashy box the same way, only in chair!
Isabella sure does love her box doesn't she? I bet she LOVES Christmas time when there are lots of gift boxes around.
I sure miss having my cat around. he was the only one who would sit still for a
Isabella that flashy box is the ONLY box we don't like. We like to wait till Mom grabs it, turns it on and gets ready to take the picture...then we leave.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That box looks so cozy and you look very cute and comfy!
I love boxes to,
wonderful shots from you my sweetie
It looks so COMFY :)))
boxes are fun...I think I have some pics of my kids similar to yours :P
Now if only I get my Dh to turn around when I need the light to iron late at night....Hmmm. Maybe torties are easier to train?:)
My kids love boxes, too. I think they prefer the boxes to the toys that were in them.
How does Koko outsmart the flashy box...he does the same thing Isabella does: Gives us the ole fish eye and turns his back to us.
What is it with cats and boxes? He has to get in or on top of every box we get in our house. It's so funny to watch Koko try to get into a really small box, but he does and he'll sleep in it.
You do look excited and that's a very handsome visitor you have there
Mommy aid you are a kitty loaf in that last picture. :-)
I avoid the flashy box by turning my head or closing my eyes OR best still, going to a place where the picture would have chair or table legs in it making it not kittyrific!
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