It's Tortie Tuesday! Today I thought I'd show you one of my favorite places to be in the mornings. It may not look all that comfy and cozy in front of the kitchen cabinets...
But see that little gap between the baseboard and the bottom of the cabinet? This is where the nice, warm air comes out and heats my Tortie tummy on chilly mornings!
Pretty clever huh? Now if I can only get Mommy to put more luxurious rugs in the kitchen for me to lay on. A blanket in here would be nice too.
Do you have a favorite way to keep warm?
Have a Happy Tortie Tuesday!
That IS clever, Isabella! We are pretty straightforward here - our favorite place is right by the floor heater vents.
You picked the perfect spot, Isabella!
Happy Tortie Tuesday :)
Way to go Isabella. Right next to the heat. Couldn't ask for better. Now for a nice big cozy rug.
You are smart--that looks like a very good spot to me! My favorite is right by the heater but I have a whole list which I am posting this Sunday with pictures!
Sometimes I like to sit in front of the refrigerator because warm air comes out the bottom (our heater vents are up high). But my favorite spot is my heated cat pad!
That looks like a very cozy warm place to be Isabella. Banjo's favourite warm spot is sitting on top of the register in-between the couch and the wall. :)
Keep warm!
xo Catherine
You're a very smart girl, Isabella! I know Torties don't do anything without a smart reason!
Isabella! You look absolutely luxurious! Those arms reaching out elongate your already gorgeous physique!!! ♥♥♥
Oh, we have cold air coming out of our cabinet. :( But like Daisy, Hobbes likes the refrigerator. Best of all is the fireplace though.
Isabella, you're very clever to find the warmest spot! We just curl up on blankets to keep warm!
in front of the fireplace definitely along with...
~ mornings ~ a cup of joe
~ evenings ~ a glass of wine (or 2)
you are so smart! I would definitely put my toes there--anything to keep them nice and toasty.
I think I have a lot to learn about places that have cold weather. There is a vent in the cabinets?
No wonder yoo like lying there! Demand a rug and a blankie straight away!
Very nice! Angel likes to sit by our gas fireplace. Even when it isn't on, the pilot light is, which keeps that area warm. :)
Aren't you a clever kitty?!
My Miss Lulu Belle thinks lying on the heat vents is the way to keep warm-Not!
It's a tough life, but somecat has to do it! sweet hubby your newest behind the scenes fan says... "what a life - laying around sucking up the heat!" i think he's a bit jealous
You are a very wise kitty, Isabella. We love the cold so we do just the opposite - we cozy up to the air vent when the a/c is on.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
You should build a box fort there and keep all the heaty air INSIDE!
We had our kitty in the house today and she laid on the floor where the duct works runs all day long :)
Woof! Woof! Nice n Clever. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
How cute! Our 2 rag doll cats get up high on their cat tower in the winter to keep warm. The floor is too cold here in this old country house. Great blog! So cute! I will be back!
That really looks like a super warm place to be comfy. Aren't you the smart kitty to find that nice warm place and the Mom should put a nice blanket in there for you. That wouldn't be too much trouble. Great picture. Hugs to everyone else.
I'm a Siberian!
I khrave KHOOL!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
I don't normally lay on the kitchen floor but we have a spot like that in our kitchen that's nice and warm too. Maybe if i had a nice rug to lay on like you do I would.
My favorite way to get warm is to just curl up with mom or dad
Yay for a nice cozy place to keep warm on chilly mornings! Hope you're having a wonderful Tortie Tuesday!
Ooh, what a great spot!
It sounds good. We live in the tropics but even so all the kitties go for the sun puddles...
Koko lays on the blankets and Yum Yum takes her position directly on top of the heating vent by the sliding glass door. That way, she can watch her birdie TV and be warm at the same time.
Isabella, thanks for so gracefully showing us one of your favorite places!
great rug ;)
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