We hope you had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed time with family and furiends! We had a nice, quiet Christmas with just the five of us relaxing in front of the fireplace waiting for Santa Claws. Did you hear that? Was that reindeer on the roof?

Santa must have come down our other chimney upstairs while we were staking out this one so we didn't see them but Mommy found the presents and passed some out for us to open...

Can you tell I was excited? Angel and Isabella found two little bitty presents for them but I saw that the big one was for me from Santa! 

It is a big thingy of treats! After I got the paper off, I had to wait on Daddy to help me open them up so I could taste them. Do you see my tongue hanging out in anticipation?

Oh yeah, they were worth the wait!

Another present?

More treats? Mmmm.

Santa Claws was very good to me and my sisfurs this year and we hope he was to you too!
Hope you have a Happy Sadieday on Sunday!
Wow, dog treats are sure different from cat treats! I'm glad you are enjoying them, Sadie, and that you had such a nice Christmas.
Love these photos - her eyes...they say it all!!
So glad Christmas was perfect for you all!
you must have been extra good this year!
Sadie, your Christmas morning looks like it was great! Love your face -- so expressive. :)
Oh Sadie,we are so glad to hear that Santa was so good to you. Those treats look really yummy. We had a good Christmas too and guess what, it snowed here. It hardly ever snows here. Hope all of you have a wonderful day today.
Glad you and your family had a nice Christmas Sadie...so did mine!
Your fire looks cozy. How nice to have presents that you can smell ahead of time!
Merry Christmas from our house to yours!
The Creek Cats and Maggie May
Sadie yoo look so happy wif your treats! Love Oliver and Ruby XXXXX
Santa knew you girls were on the nice list :) Glad you had a wonderful Christmas together :)
What tasty looking treats!
Too bad we aren't khloser so we khould share what we each got!
It was a nice extra surprise to see Sadie on Sunday!
PeeEssWoo: A puppy would have been fun too ;-)
Looks like you made it on Santa's NICE list....Good Job!
You've been such good little girls all year long -- you absolutely deserve all those yummy treats and more!Enjoy!
Those look like great presents, Sadie!
Hi Sadie! Do you need any help with those treats?!?!
Sadie! Those treats look verreh tasty...we kitties like woofie treats! Especially dried chicken strips...yummy.
We're so happy you all had a good Christmas.
Those are some great presents you got there Sadie. Glad Santa was good to you but then I knew he would be since you're such a good girl.
Glad Santa Claws treated you well :)
Oh Sadie..no one looks sweeter than you and your dear face!
I'm so glad Santa was good to all of you. It's great that you had such a Merry Christmas. It's so great you could all have some treats!
Happy holidays.
For all the folks reading this, (‘beans and kitties too) my blog has posts which are helpful for cat caretakers everywhere.
All you be sure to stay well!
Yum! treats! You are a very lucky doggie!
We got some (very fun) catnip toys!
E & O
Sadie, it's great that you open your own presents.
You didn't tell us what the kitties got.
Ours got furry mice and ribbon, their favorite.
Hi Sadie!! We hear that Santa Claws is pretty sneaky...he never lets himself be seen! We don't know how he does that!
We're glad you all had a great Christmas!! Enjoy your treats!!
I love the tongue!
Well try not to eat everything in one night!!
By the look in your eyes, Sadie, I can see that those treats are yummy. Merry Christmas to you, your floof sisters, and the survunts.
You all deserved those treats for being good all year long!
Glad you all had a fun Christmas....
me too... lovely and quiet is soooo good.... my fav....
Sounds like yoo had a really super Christmas! We love the pics.
Your dog is so cute :D
-Nice Blog
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