Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mmm Mmm Good

Daddy left today to meet Mommy for a vacation but Grandpa is here from Kansas to take care of us.
Grandpa, I don't know if Daddy told you or not but this is our food drawer and we get fed A LOT!
We of course want Mommy and Daddy to come home soon but not until the treats, I mean foods, run out! We love our Grandpa!


storybeader said...

the motherload!

Daisy said...

Yep, that looks like your regular food to me, too. Fill the food bowl, all the way to the top!

Jodi's Book Reviews said...

Wow, yummy looks good to us. Mommy and daddy will be home soon, and Grandpa will take extra special care of you we bet.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Lukhky woo!

I know how much fun it is to be spoiled like that!

My Doggy Nanny and Fred LOVE to give me treats!

PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!

moxylyn said...

That's a lot of treats! Somebody is all set for a long time!

Anonymous said...

Wowie!! You guys hit the jackpot!!! Doesn't look like you'll go hungry before your Mom and Dad come home, that's for sure!!! Have fun with Grandpa!


Erika said...

Do I see your tongue?

The Monkeys said...

It looks like your Mommy and Daddy left a very good supply of 'foods' for you guys!

Beadin By The Sea said...

Oh, you lucky girl. You know that Grandpas love to spoil their grandkids with "sweets".

Anya said...

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaw Grandpa on visit thats fun, manny foods and sweets

Carl said...

So much for missing mommy and daddy. I don't know about my cat. She doesn't care for food much. But my dog, Callie? Anyone who would give her a good belly rub, and lots of food and attention, she is at your feet ready to suck up. She can care less if I'm gone missing.

tahtimbo said...

Wow, you kitties eat better than I do:) It's pretty scary that when you have been on a diet as long as I have been, your treats start to look really good;-)

AM said...

You are so lucky! Grandparents are easy pushovers who like to spoil you! We hope you & your beans all have a wonderful treat-filled time.

The Army of Four said...

"Party Mix"!!??!! Does this mean you're having a party!?!? Can I come over?
Play bows,

Memories for Life said...

Hope Grandpa spoils 'em for ya :)
Enjoy your vacation!

PurrPrints said...

Wow that's quite a treat drawer there! When your mommy gets back, let her know we have an award for her :)

Stephanie said...

Wow!! Treats!!!

Splendid Little Stars said...

yum, yum, yum!
I added "Carhenge" to my post on strange things. That is strange! Thanks!

uniquecommodities said...

awww! How special! Enjoy your vacation!

Becky said...


myminimocs said...

i think grandpa's got his hands full! :)

Cliff and Olivia said...

Sounds like a good deal.

And very pleased to meet you!