Saturday, January 17, 2009


Hey Angel, what is that up there on the wall?
I can't tell but it looks like it might be fun to play with.
How do we get it down?
I don't know. Hey, is it one of those thingys that fly around and we catch in windows?
Yeah, I think it might be one of those thingys.
Yep, it is!


Anonymous said...

Cats are so observant! I bet if that fly had been sitting on something black they STILL would have seen it. Great photo story!

the magic sleigh said...

I'll eat it, me, me me...If I have to tear the house down!!!!!
-Scampi,The Border Collie

Anonymous said...

LOL---my boys do that all the time, too. I always know if there's an insect creeping around somewhere, because all 4 of them are concentrating on the same spot on the floor. :)

TiLT said...

That's great....your fur buddies never fail to amuse me :)

Daisy said...

It is true, flies can provide hours of endless fascination!

Mishkat said...

Great series of photos! Franklin and Dobby do this too. Tasha doesn't have good depth perception, so she's not so good at spotting bugs, but she's a fierce hunter of small black spots on printed fabric and other things :).

Unknown said...

What wonderful fun flies can be for cats, lol! I hope you all are having a great weekend.


Erika said...

I had a cat that seemed to love to eat flies...My husband wanted to know why I was laughing--I love your captions.

The Army of Four said...

Oh, no! Oh, no! I can't stand flies! Please make it go away!!!
Tail wags,

AM said...

Hey Angel & Isabella, you look completely entertained by the pesky fly! Our kitties love to stalk flies, but moths are their favorites. I think that is because they are easier to catch & eat!

The Florida Furkids said...

Flies make wonderful "interactive" cat toys!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Do you have a camera attached to your face!

LOL at the poses you end up getting ALL of the time!

Gee...wish I could be a fly on a wall sometimes....

LOVE those furbabies of yours, and of course the way they are able to blog!

tahtimbo said...

I wonder why we buy cat toys when a fly will do wonders. Did they catch it? When it gets warm enough, Koko will have his paws full trying to catch them:)

uniquecommodities said...

Love your post! Absolutely love em!

Side bar: Why is my Word verification called Tisha? Maybe that will be the name of your next Kitty or Doggie! LOL

Lux said...

Oh, those things are lots of fun! I hope it started flying around right after these pictures were taken!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I thought it was going to be a khytty stukhk there by statikh!

PeeEssWoo: Bugs are good too!

PurrPrints said...

My kitties go NUTS whenever a fly or moth gets into the house-- I'm impressed you got such a close-up shot of it though for that last photo!