Sadie doesn't know what to think...

She's still cute though!

By the way, do you notice the two black toys in the top two pictures? Those are Luv Hearts and Jelly Beans by Casbah Kitten. I woke up at 4am this morning to check on her and she was playing with those toys and continued to do so all morning. She absolutely loves them and carries them all over the house! Be sure to check out Casbah Kitten's Etsy shop for lots of great cat (and dog) toys!
Isabella's adorable no matter what kind of hair cut she has! Poor baby with her teeth gone though!! I bet she has a hurty mouth.
Thanks for the comments. I like all your cats. They are pretty.
She is gorgeous. She reminds me of my tortie I lost a few years ago. Glad she's doing well.
Oh dear! The vet did that to me once but only on one leg! I'm glad she came through the surgery okay!
Isabella, I am sorry you had to have dental work. I hate teeths! They cause nothing but troubles. You still look very beautiful.
I LOVE your blog.
We have Georgie, she and Isabella look like sisters!
BTW, glad you clairified that those were toys...LOL
Isabella looks very sweet. We're glad her surgery went ok. Maybe we need to nudge our Mom to buy us some of those Casbah kitten toys!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Aww! She's so beautiful. :) She looks great concidering the surgery.. I'm sure all the loving attention she gets helps also! :D
Isabella is such a cute kitty! Poodle cut or not... hehee... glad she's doing okay.
Poor Isabella! Don't you worry, sweetie! Those furs are going to grow back quickly. Your teeths, not so much!
AWWWWW! I hope she is feeling okay. I think the little poodle cut is darling and I love the pic of her and Sadie. We have a huge hound dog and I think that he thinks he is a cat.
Isabella is a very beautiful kitty and Sadie is a gorgeous doggie :)
Tasha says torties are always beautiful :) (but she sends sympathy to Isabella for the vet trip!)
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