Thursday, July 31, 2008

Speaking up for the Animals

This ASPCA commercial absolutely breaks my heart every time it comes on. I can't stand to watch it and I cry every time but yet I know the message needs to be heard. We have to speak for the animals who can't speak for themselves and we MUST help to stop animal cruelty. Supporting animal awareness causes is the reason we opened up our BeadedTail shop so although it's hard to watch, I felt I had to help spread the word of the plight to animals in need. Thank you for caring for the animals.


Season said...

I am with you on this commercial. I cry my eyes out everytime it comes on. Sometimes I have to change the channel.

Aimee Dars said...

Thank you for your unwavering support for animals!

Beadin By The Sea said...

Okay,you really made me cry! I adopted a kitten last Fall and he is just the best! I admire your dedication to spreading the word about saving animals. Keep up the good work!