I don't know about you but the weekend went by WAY too fast here! Sure, unlike my little sisfur, I don't mind the noisy stranger and will sleep through the week but it's also nice to lounge with Mommy and Daddy on the weekends. This past weekend though they were coming and going so much I didn't know which end was up...
Anyway, while not much exciting was going on at our house, our Grandma from Vegas was invited to dinner at a friend's house and it turned out to be a surprise shower for her new adopted doggy Dolly!
Dolly got lots of pink toys and a new blanket and everything! She sure hit the jackpot being Gotcha'd by our Grandma in Vegas! Welcome to the family Aunt Dolly!
We hope you have a great week! With everything going on around here, our blogging and commenting may be sparse but we'll do our best!
I hope the noisy strangers finish that job soon so that Angel can get back to normal.
oh no, not the noisy strangers again. I hope the week goes by fast for you.
That's really cool that your grandma had someone throw a shower for her new dog. She's a cutie and those cupcakes are adorable
I wish those noisy strangers would come over here and do a few projects! :)
LOVE the dog shower! How lucky is Dolly?! Oh, to have a nice family and friends like that.
Awww, the shower for Dolly was a lovely thing!
Good luck this week with the reno...We hope things go as smoothly as possible!
I hope those noisy strangers finish soon too! You girls are going to need a special reward for putting up with all the disruption. And welcome to Aunt Dolly! That is so fun that she got a shower...your family is pet cool! And headbutts to your Mom for the journal going to France!
I know Angel appreciated the quiet for a couple of days. Bless her heart.
Have a fun gotcha surprise. Way cool.
Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful parents. :)
A doggy shower....how cute is that? Much more fun than kids things...
A dog shower - what nice friends! We talked about remodel stuff too this weekend but in the bright light of Monday morning we decided - nah...
How lucky is Dolly. We didn't know there were showers for animals. Too bad there aren't earplugs for kitties. We know you could use some. Try to have a great week. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Well isn't that cute? I've never heard of a doggie shower
A suprise doggy shower! That is so sweet and thoughtful! Dolly is so lucky to have found her furever home with Grandma :)
Congrats on the sale to France!
isabella ...that iz way kewl a journel iz goin ta france !!!! N nice ta meet ewe dolly...happee bee lated gotcha day two ewe !!
The weekend did go by fast! And the whole time change thing confused us. We decided to meet the time change head-on and wake Mom up at 2 in the morning. It seems the right thing to do.
Play bows,
How fun that they threw a party for Dolly!
We hope your week isn't too noisy.
Welcome to Dolly - what a doll!!! :)
Mom says she doesn't envy your MOm having to do all that paint sample stuff - seems like it goes on forever and ever.
Hope this week is a bit quieter there.
Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning
We can't decide what's worse; noisy strangers or the type that sneak up and scare you outta your fur suit!
It looks like Dolly has a great home!
Isn't that sweet that Dolly had her very own shower!! Very cool and welcome to the family! xo Chloe and LadyBug
A doggie shower -- how fun! Dolly is a very lucky girl!
Dolly is such a cutie! What fun to have a party for her :)
Dolly looks like a lucky little girl!
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