Friday, March 7, 2014

Finally Friday!

Normally I don't care what day it is but this week I'm very glad it's Friday because in a few hours the noisy stranger will be gone for two whole days!  I'm doing better then I was with being shut in but I still hate it and do what I can to get out while crying all day which drives Mommy bonkers.  (Believe me, it's a short trip!)  She tries to divert my attention by opening the door...
And the window...
I do sit still for a few minutes at least...
But I make sure to listen to every single thing that goes on on the other side of the door...
Oh, and in case you're wondering, Isabella is really catching up on her beauty sleep this week...
As soon as the noisy stranger leaves and we are sprung from the bedroom/now home office, I run downstairs and after a few minutes I come back up into the room with Mommy and eat and sleep.  I don't mind being in there as long as the door is OPEN!

Hope Friday goes fast and the weekend goes very slow!


The Furries of Whisppy said...

Maybe your Mommy could leave the door open and put up a piece of puppy playpen instead? That way you stay in the bedroom but am still able to look out (hopefully you won't jump over the playpen)?

We're glad you are going to have open doors the next two days!

Summer at said...

Angel, closed doors are the bane of any kitty's existence - but especially during stressful times, like what you are dealing with!

Duni said...

Sammy is pretty cool about closed doors :) Molly can open them, she's a smart kitty!!
Enjoy your noise free weekend!

Ann said...

That will be a nice break for you. Enjoy those two days.

Marg said...

Oh Angel, we are so glad you are escaping from your jail for a couple of days. That will be fun to be free. Have a great day and a better week end.

SarahBeth said...

Oliver doesn't like closed doors either! We are both glad you are sprung free for the weekend!

Lin said...

A closed door always drives the kitties nuts! We don't blame you, Angel. Enjoy your QUIET weekend!

Sandee said...

You poor thing. I think of you often and hope that things are going better for you Angel. I see they are a bit, but you'll be happy when the noise stops this evening and for two whole days too.

Have a purrfect day you two. My best to your wonderful mom. :)

Grace said...

There does seem to be a small upside to your enforced confinement - open windows, patio doors plus you are looking more beautiful than ever!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

N heerz two a fun filled flounder week oh end ...stranger less !!

Memories for Life said...

Yay for two days of silence :)
Just curious...what happens if Mommy lets you out of the bedroom while the noisy stranger is there? Do you try to help him :)

The Army of Four said...

Well, I understand. A closed door makes it totally different.

brokenteepee said...

It will be worth it when you get to inspect the new litter box

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh yes, closed doors are EBIL. No matter which side you're on!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Angel, we hope your weekend lasts for a very long time.Too bad those workers have to be so noisy. Hope things are moving along quickly.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

The Island Cats said...

Oh boy! 2 whole days without the noisy human! And at least you had the window opened. It's still too cold here to have a window open. Enjoy your weekend!!

Katie Isabella said...

OH darling Angel, that HAS to be so hard on you. You have work to do and things to attend to. Things to inspect and there are PATROLS to be made. Isabella is making good use of her time though. You are being forced into isolation, poor baby. xoxoxoxoxo (till evening) (tunnel on over here. We'd love to baby sit for a while).

Kitties Blue said...

Angel, we do feel your pain, but it looks like those are pretty good digs, with a padded bench, paper to play with, a Ham-mick, and an open window and door. Of course, to any cat, a closed door is torture. Have a great weekend of freedom. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

BumbleVee said...

okay then..... hmmmmm what we need here is a huge picture of the outside of that doorway...and pin it to the door...hahhah... that'd fool you.....