Monday, September 17, 2012

Another Working Weekend

Last week I had to help Mommy find inspiration for some new jewelry designs, then I helped her play with pick out the beads to use.  You'd think after all that I'd get a chance to relax and enjoy the weekend but no, I had to help with quality control in the packaging department too.  All purchases from Mommy's shop are wrapped like a special gift so I have to get the ribbon ready...
Each package requires an arm's length of ribbon...
I'm not allowed to use scissors so I'll improvise...
Then the trick is to get it tied around the package...
I think I'll finish it after a little nap...
As you can see I work really hard around here.  Thanks to my help, the packages are on their way to special friends in Texas and Florida.  I don't know how Mommy would have got them ready without me!  It's a tough job but somekitty's gotta do it!

Hope you have a great start to the week!


The Furries of Whisppy said...

You're so helpful, Angel! We hope your Mommy pays you well for all your hard work! :)

Summer at said...

Angel, you should teach lessons on gift-wrapping!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! You are a good helper. Happy Monday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Ellen Whyte said...

With your help, it's going to be purrfect! Meow from Au, Target and Guido.

Karen and Gerard said...

Love the wrapping paper! Tying ribbon on packages is a tough job--that's why I usually don't use any on ours. I have two cats, but neither of them are good at tying ribbon like you--they just want to chase it.

Marg said...

Oh Angel, you are such a big help. You have that ribbon all under control. A nap sure is in like for you. Too cute.

Duni said...

Angel, you are the sweetest little helper :)
I love the packaging your Mommy uses - in fact I still have mine; I couldn't bear to throw it away!

Lin said...

Well, somebody's got to put their thumb on the bow, right? I'm sure Mommeh appreciates the help in spite of her telling you not to. :)

Happy Monday, pallies!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hi, dropping by from Ann's blog and your interview. great interview and i agree on all but the cake decoration, i don't bake or cook. seems to me like you could get a job wrapping in Macy's, i would pay just to watch

Anonymous said...

I hope you helped wrap my recent goodies - that would have been a nice touch (but I didn't see any kitty furs so I guess not..::sigh::)

Catherine said...

Well you certainly kept your creative self busy! Good job! :)
xo Catherine

Sandee said...

You do work very herd Angel. I had no idea how hard you work. It's nice that mom lets you take a nap now and then though.

Have a purrfect day. My best to your mom. :)

brokenteepee said...

I'll tell ya! Sherpa and Harry help me too....uh-huh

Katie Isabella said...

Angel darling, I love knowing that you and Bella are the ones who help mamma wrap my packages and they are ALWAYS beautiful and the card is purrfect. They ARE a gift. xoxox

Ann said...

Oh Angel you are such a good helper. All that hard work must have been exhausting, you deserve that nap. Thanks for the smile today, this was just too cute

The Army of Four said...

You are an inspiration to us all, Angel!
I hope your mom let you take breaks!
Play bows,

Rose Clearfield said...

You DO work really hard, Angel! And you're such a great helper for your mom.

The Florida Furkids said...

Angel, is that our Mom's package your helping with? Mom got her earrings today and absolutely loves them!!! Thanks for helping!!

The Florida Furkids

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

I think your mom is really happy that she have you as her little helper :)

Katnip Lounge said...

And you have such loooong arms, Angel!

We aren't allowed to use scissors, either.

Kaili Williams said...

Such a hard working little kitty! Your mommy must be so glad to have your help :)

Memories for Life said...

Your mommy sure is lucky to have such a great helper :) least you're :)

Kathleen said...

Meowsers! That's a lots of works! We things you needs two naps... In case you hasn't time with all the puuuurrrrrfect work - we'll takes some naps furrrr you.
Pal and Forrest

Reeni said...

You're a good helper Angel! It does look like tiring work! Love, Moon xoxo

The Island Cats said...

Angel, what would your mom ever do without you??

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Awwww, look at sweet Angel in that last pic - a well-deserved nap! What a hard worker you are! Did Isabella help at all?

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Woo hoo! Love your teckneek! And mom loves her earrings!!

storybeader said...

great wrapping paper! Looks like hard work. Nice job on the corners of the box! {:-D

myminimocs said...

it's been too long since i've had the time to visit here! yet another fabulous pictorial to start my day with a giggle and a smile!!! you're so clever hoping to get back to my regular routine soon!

hope you have a beautifully happy day dear ♥ Sharla!