It's Tortie Tuesday and also International Box Day! What a purrfect combination! I love all boxes! Is there a better invention than boxes? This box is sort of hammick-y since it holds up my Tortie tush...

It's just the right size and everything...

Whaddya mean my Tortie tush is supposed to fit INSIDE the box?

I think I fit just fine...

It's a good thing that beans don't understand the appeal of boxes or else they'd be sticking their tushies in boxes all over the place and isn't that a scary thought?

Hope you get to enjoy a box today!
Happy Tortie Tuesday!
PeeS: Thanks again for the crossed paws and purrs for my sisfur Sadie! It means a lot to all of us! In case you didn't see it, here's her latest update.
PeeS: Thanks again for the crossed paws and purrs for my sisfur Sadie! It means a lot to all of us! In case you didn't see it, here's her latest update.
We love your torties tushy, Isaballa. Sadie is sick??? Off to read the update.
Binga is the same way about boxes, Isabella! I am still purring for Sadie!
Sammy is afraid of boxes, but Molly LOVES them!!
Perfect fit, Isabella ;-)
Oh Isabella, that is too cooot hanging your tush out of the box. And yes that is one scary thought of a human sitting in a box with their tush hanging out.
That expression on Isabella's face in the last picture is so perfect. Take care Sharla, Sadie is going to be all right.
Perfect fit! Give Sadie hugs
Isabella, we applaud your ingenuity fitting into that box! Salem and May Ling are especially taking notes.
Nothing like a good box to start your day off right! I think yours is the purrfect size!
Isabella, you ALWAYS make mommy smile. xoxox And me, mom and I have you held tightly in our hearts,
I think my cats are a little peculiar - they don't have much interest in boxes or bags...we have boxes all over the house because we are moving and they don't care!
I'm pretty sure I khould make woo fit in the box -
Just sayin'
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie! Hope woo rested well last night!
I don't know Isabella, I think you might need a bigger box :o
That box is just perfect for you! How nice that Mommy found a box with all that tissue paper for you for Box Day. Sending best wishes for Sadie.
I really need to look into this box thing. I'm sure since all of my kit-cat friends like them, I would, too!
Play bows,
Hey, Isabella, it looks like you just fit into that box :)
Thanks for reminding me about International Box Day. I'll try and get some pictures to celebrate.
Prayers continue to go Sadie's way :)
There's no one way to enjoy a nice box, right Isabella?
We continue to send prayers for Sadie. :)
I think it would be much more comfortable to let your tush hang out. No sense trying to squish your whole self in.
We think that box is purrfect for you, Isabella! And you're right...the humans should leave the boxes for us cats!
You are just about as sweet as a cupcake...that is what you remind us of in that box!
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