We're overwhelmed with all the support we've received after our sisfur Sadie's journey to the Rainbow Bridge. Thank you to everybuddy who's left comments or sent us emails and kept us in your thoughts. We're so glad that Sadie was able to share her sweet spirit with everybuddy through our blog. She really was a special girl and she was a very good woofie sisfur and also my buddy. Isabella would just sit next to her and stare at her or sniff her feet which drove her bonkers but she and I got along really well although on the first day I became her sisfur, she was a little unsure of me...
Sadie and I had a little competition about who could go upstairs the fastest. If I headed for the stairs, she always tried to beat me and if she made the first move towards the stairs, I tried to beat her. Let's just say that sometimes I let her win but not very often! Most of the time we would hang out together looking out the windows. I was looking for birdies and she was on the lookout for introoder neighbor cats...

Since she's crossed the bridge, I'll go to the window and look around for her to come up beside me but then I remember that she's now in my heart so is always with me whether I'm looking out the window or racing up the stairs. I miss having her here and am spending a lot of time in Mommy's arms since we both need comforting. I couldn't have asked for a better woofie sisfur and although my time with her was too short, I'm grateful to have spent so many happy times with her.
Hope you make some happy memories today,
I feel so badly for you guys, I know how hard it is. We're keeping you in our thoughts and purrs.
Woof! Woof! For sure you guys have many precious memories of Sadie. We always enjoy photos of Sadie n you by the window. Sending Lots of Golden LOVE. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar
Angel, you and Sadie sure did have a very special relationship. We love the pictures. Take care, all.
It's great seeing these photos of you two together :) I'm so happy your mommy always took so many photos...you'll cherish these always!
Sadie will be in all our hearts!
What a lovely post in honor of Sadie. We miss her so much but we are so glad there are so so many wonderful memories of times with Sadie to cherish. And thank you so much for sharing Sadie with all of us. :)
My human was at BlogPaws this weekend, and a lot of those in attendance knew Sadie from your blog and they got the chance to share their sadness in person. My human was actually the one who told Teri from the Furrydance Cats Blog (Curls and Swirls) about Sadie and they were both weepy-eyed.
Oh I'm starting my day with leaky eyes....Sadie was a delight to those of us who only knew her through the interwebz and we miss her, I can't even imagine how much y'all miss her - a bit quiet and lonely around the house I bet...
What a sweet relationship you had with Sadie. It is so nice you and mom can comfort each other.
Awww sweetie, I'm so sorry you had to lose your sister. I'll bet you really do miss her too. I'm sure Mom gives you exra loves because she misses Sadie too.
Awww sweetie, I'm so sorry you had to lose your sister. I'll bet you really do miss her too. I'm sure Mom gives you exra loves because she misses Sadie too.
I'm a friend of Ann's at Ann's Snap Edit Scrap blog. I know how you are feeling in helping your beloved Sadie over the bridge. I am so very sorry for your loss she looked like a wonderful companion. I, too, had to help my little yorkie, Dixie, over the bridge on May 5th. I still grieve for her and miss her everyday. Time will heal and she and Sadie will forever be in our hearts.
Oh Angel, I know you and all your family must miss your sisfur terribly. Sadie will be in our hearts furever and we will always remember her sweet smile.
Glad you shared happy times together.
=^..^= purrs and((hugs) Sammy, Molly
& Duni
I still don't know how Sadie did it -
I mean, a snakhk IS a snakhk ;-)
PeeEssWoo: Keep up the good work with your mommy and daddy!
That last photo is very precious. It is great that the girls could get along even though we typically don't think of cats and dogs doing that. (I kept typing in gods instead of dogs. I wonder if Sadie was doing that?:)
We're sending yoo all love and purrs. We're gonna miss Sadie so much ~ but we have many happy memories of her. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Awww.... I love that first picture of you and Sadie ...she looks like she is quite concerned for you...... so sweet......I'm glad you had her for as long as you did little Angel.....
Angel, we got a little misty...thanks for sharing some memories of Sadie with us. We're glad your heart is even fuller than before, but we sure miss Sadie, too.
Purrs and {{hugs}} from alla us.
Angel you are just the best. What a lovely post. I'm still so very sad about Sadie. I always lurked over here while doing my Entrecard drops. I should have left comments. Shame on me.
Have a purrfect day. :)
Angel, those are some good memories of Sadie, even though they brought tears to my mommy's eyes. I'm too big a cat boy to cry ... I'll just go hide behind the door and no one will know. Kitty hugs to you. (You were awfully cute as a baby kitty!)
Sadie was such a lucky dog to have such a fabulous family, and special sisfurs like you and Isabella. It will take some time adjusting to life without her, but you will always have wonderful memories of her.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Sadie, your dear sisfur.
Cuddle with Mommy and Daddy as much as you can.
Best wishes & hugs from
Anna and her four kitties who send purrs;
our only boy-cat, Peep
She will always be in your heart Angel
Oh Angel, we were so hoping your Mom would do some of this, remember all the memories. We know all of you are missing Sadie. We sure do miss her too. Love how you and Sadie got to be such good friends. Great pictures. WE sure are thinking about all of you and sending some really big hugs. Take care.
Angel this is the sweetest tribute to your wonderful sisfur. I know how much you are all missing Sadie and I bet she is looking down on you right now and wagging her tail.
Such a very sweet post, Angel. You and Sadie were such great sisfurs. As our Mom always says, it is those memories that will really help mend your broken hearts.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
You're right, Angel - Sadie is ALWAYS with you! I'm so glad you're spending extra time snuggling with your mom. These are such wonderful memories you shared with us!
Please tell Isabella I send Ha roos!
Play bows,
Angel, we know that Sadie was a special girl and it's nice that you know that she'll always live in your heart!!
The Florida Furkids and Lexi
How sweet of you to share these memories with Sadie today!
Oh Angel! We know you all miss your sisfur very much. But we hope all the good memories you have of her helps ease your sadness. Purrs.....
Angel darling, you and Isabella give mommy lots of loves every single day and night. xoxoxoxo
Remembering sweet Sadie with these little stories is the best way to keep her memories alive and to fill your heart with love for her. Beautiful!
xo Catherine
I'm soooo so sorry to hear about Sadie. I hope it isn't too tough for you all. You will see her again.
My thoughts are with you. Purrs xo
I'm just a teary mess of blubbery goo reading this. I can't imagine what you're all going through. I'm glad you're snuggling your Mom more Angel! Give her snuggles from me and Moon too! oxoxox
I am keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so, so sorry for your loss.
How are you all doing? I kept thinking of you today. Returning to your routine is the worst when you are missing someone.
It's hard to get used to your friend being gone. But you'll find that your memories help you through that. And someday, you will love another dog friend and even MORE memories will flood your heart again as you remember what Sadie did that was similar to this dog or that one.
Hugs to you all during this very difficult time.
Meowsers - what a good woofie friend! Yous very blessed, Angel! Thanks for sharing your furry nice memories!
Pal and Forrest
aaawww....what a special post! Yes, she'll always be in your hearts!
Angel - that was very sweet of you to tell us about your life with Sadie. We all miss her terribly... {:-D
We are so very sorry for Sadie's sudden passing. We're sure she was greatly loved and will be sorely missed.
We would like to include a photo memorial for Sadie in the June edition of Our Rainbow Friends, with your consent. Our blog is at www.ourrainbowfriends.blogspot.com. Please take a look to see what we do and, if you will allow us to honor Sadie, contact us at ourrainbowfriendsATgmailDOTcom with her date of birth or age, her date of passing, and attach a favorite photo you would like us to use. Thanks for considering our request.
Our Rainbow Friends
You had a very special friend, Angel and I know that she will always be with you.
Such a sweet post. Purrs...
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