Kitties, I have to tell you something that happened this weekend. After I got done helping Mommy make a bracelet, I was just relaxing and minding my own business when I spotted something...
I spotted a spot!
It moved all over the wall and even came onto the carpet. It totally messed up my relaxing moment yet Mommy just kept giggling at me while I watched go everywhere...
Even my sisfur Angel spotted the spot...
I didn't find this spot amusing one bit so don't know why Mommy kept giggling since I could get a neck sprain you know...
I wonder if it's possible to nap with my eyes open since they seem to be stuck...
Hopefully I get some relaxing in today since it is Tortie Tuesday!
Enjoy your day!

Enjoy your day!
OMC, Isabella and Angel, that spot does seem to have caused you to go "Cat"-atonic! There is a red spot that lives here and we can get quite crazed with it. Luckily Mom is a bit lazy about playing with it with us, so we do get to nap with our eyes closed.
Did you ever discover what this mysterious spot was? I hope you momma wasn't toying with you! :D
Mysterious dot... human laughing... something is up here!!!
I spotted a spot! *LOL* Your mommy is wicked.
Awww, nothing finer than Tortie tuesday!!
I got the Red Dot one ! The dot do my head in too !!!
You can see,but you can't catch !!! like some kind of evil thing ! but my pawrents just laugh and laugh when they see me try to catch it !
Oh Isabella, we also have that spot around here but it is red. We do love to chase it but can never get it pinned down. It just isn't fair. Hope you get that nap in and Mom cleans up that spot. Take care.
Lol...your mommy is so ornery :)
I am sorry ladies but I am giggling also. That same spot is in Maya's house.Kitty bandit attacks it but it just moves to another spot.I guess it is just one of those mysteries in life.LOL
We like following those dots around. Our mom got it for us to give us more exercise. Indoor cats like us tend to lie around pretty much all day so a toy like this is great fun! Here's a link to the video of us playing with the laser beam:
--Spunky Doodle
What an irritating spot, girls!! There's a red spot that shows up at my place every once and a while...haven't caught it yet, but I will one day... ;-)
many purrs,
Sammy =^.^=
Sometimes we get those spots here in our living room too. Banjo just watches them lazily and falls asleep. I guess they are more entertaining to the mommies. ;)
xo Catherine
Nothing gets by you, does it?!?! Great job. I hope your mom appreciates you defending the house from attack. Who knows WHAT that spot was planning!
Play bows,
Yup, those are some biiig eyes!
Woof! Woof! I am relaxing today too ... enjoying a cooler sunny weather. ENJOY your day! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
That dot sure look familiar! When the dot appears out of nowhere, we can hear Mummy giggling too. Sometimes the dot appears on our toes and that make us go all nutty!
You do look rather traumatised by the dot, Isabella. Heehee.
Love, Cosmo and Ling
I think your mommy was playing with you.
That is one wide eyed look
I have a red dot that is flying around in my house sometimes and I chase it and chase it until I get all exhausted :)
I hope youvé got a nap by now Isabella !!
Hahaha! We have Dot that comes to play with Hobbes--she drives him NUTS! She is all red and glowy and goes everywhere--including up walls. I'll bet Dot is Spot's friend.
Some of the humans around here think that spots are pretty funny, too. Hope that today is more relaxing for you.
A neck sprain! I had to laugh at that one.
Did you get the spot?
Oh no! We fink it might be a - gulp - UFO!
We have seen them here too, though ours are usually red!
Fritz ruined Buddy's fun by telling him the "spot" is made by a flashlight. Spoilsport.
spots can be SUCH a pain!
hope you had a happy Tuesday Sharla!
Out, damn spot! Or something like that...
Isabella, Maui sleeps with his eyes open so we think you'll be just fine. We don't know about the neck sprain though, it seems like your Mom is pretty heartless to laugh whilst you contort yourself!
Oh Noes! The mysterious moving spot! How mean mommy! MOL! Issy; I think you should blink now; even my eyes are watering for you.
Ms. Stella O'Houligan
We've got a red spot but not a white one. We think yours is extra special. Must be a Tortie thing!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Just why is it that mommies find things like that so funny. They are silly creatures sometimes aren't they?
Your pal Duke
I hope Sadie didn't fall fur that?
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie! The silly Khousin Harley would chase bubbles!
That spot sure gets around! We've seen it at our house too!!
I see that spot sometimes too Isabella! I like to chase it! Love, Moon
*gasp* A SPOT! Did you catch it?!
OMC! Wot an AWESOME spot! No wonder yoo can't sleep! xx
Leave it to humans to distract us from napping. We got a new laser toy that Brighton finds enticing...Teri has a video of him that she needs to post!
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