My little sisfur Isabella has told you how she messes with me by her sneaky ways but I wanted you to let know that I can be sneaky too! She's such a Daddy's Girl that she cries when he's gone and runs to the door when he comes home so I mess with her by making her think I heard him...
Isabella, did I hear Daddy in the garage?
See, she's thinking about going to wait by the door for him...
There she goes! She fell for it hook, line and stinker!
That was too easy but I'm sure I'll have to watch for a kitty payback. Oh well, it was still fun!
Now on to the giveaway of the custom engraved 5x7 pet portrait by Edi. I'm going to pick the winner but first I wanted to remind you that if you didn't win, still visit Edi's shop and you can get 10% of any purchase by using the code BTROCKS. Okay, now for choosing the winner I tallied up the entries...
and put them in
and the winner is SIMBA! Congratulations! Simba is very handsome for a cat so I'm sure he'll make a nice model for a pet portait. Simba, we'll have Edi contact you with further information.
Thanks to efurryone who entered!
I hope efurryone has a wonderful day!
Isabella, did I hear Daddy in the garage?

Now on to the giveaway of the custom engraved 5x7 pet portrait by Edi. I'm going to pick the winner but first I wanted to remind you that if you didn't win, still visit Edi's shop and you can get 10% of any purchase by using the code BTROCKS. Okay, now for choosing the winner I tallied up the entries...

Thanks to efurryone who entered!
I hope efurryone has a wonderful day!
Congratulations, Simba! We're sorry we didn't win, but we want to thank you for organising the contest. :)
I hope Isabella will be kind to you after your little trick, Sadie. Heeheehee.
I am so stoked that Simba won! I bet his portrait will look awesome!
Lucky Simba! We're sure he will be a great model for the portrait. Nice trick Sadie:)
Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill
Concats to Simba !!!
And Today, I just know Sadie, really love the Flash Box : )
Congratulations to Simba! He'll look great in the portrait!
Awww I feel so bad for Isabella ;-) Kitty payback is sure to come...
hope you all have a wonderful day too!
Conga rats to Simba. That will be a pretty portrait. Hope she shows it to us.
Good girl Sadie for fooling with Isabella. She probably doesn't mind a bit. You all sure have a good time. Take care.
Congrats to Simba! I look forward to making your engraved portrait!
You're so tricky Sadie :)
Congrats to Simba!
Sadie, watch owt for kitty payback ~ cats can be very devious! MOL!
Good job Sadie. Sometimes a little payback is just called for.
Isabella is a very clever kitty, Sadie, but we all know there is no match for the Siberian - great work tricking her. You have to keep those little ones on their toes.
Congrats to Simba.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
We are so excited that I won the portrait!!! That is really awesome.
Sadie, you are a tease, and a very cute one at that!
Oh, Sadie that is very mean. (But funny! hee! hee!)
Congrats to Simba! That is a GREAT win!
Congratulations Simba... I can't wait to see your portrait.
pawhugs, Max
That was a nice trick, Sadie! I'm sure Simba will be very happy!
You're a little stinker for teasing your sister, but she sure fell for it! BOL! MOL!
Conga Rats (as Sparkle would say) to Simba. And Sadie, not nice to play tricks on the kitties - but what the heck, it's all in fun and no one got hurt!
Yay for Simba! Please show us the final product when it's ready :D
Congratulations Simba and I am so glad you won as you will look pawesome.. I bet you need to watch your back for kitty payback MOL.. HUgs GJ xx
OH SIMBA! You, Audrey, your mommy and daddy will LURVE that portrait! Concatulations! And Sadie..shamey! Don't teast Isabella. Is she gonna join we Ladies of Autumn?
Sarah is a daddy's girl too... Our dogs would start barking uncontrollably if I told them 'daddy' was home... shhhhh.... ♥
Congrats Simba! I'm sure that the portrait will be beautiful. Angel meows for Jake to come down and eat breakfast in the morning. :)
Concats to Simba.
We run to the door when we hear the car stop at the driveway too and rush to see Papa and Mama.
That was sneaky, you best watch out too.
Emma and Buster
ConCatulations to Simba!
Sadie, you're a pretty clever woofie to fool Isabella like that!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
How exciting for Simba!
Furry happy fur Simba! Way to go, Sadie - yous fooled her a good one! Paws up to yous!
Lova and Cookie
Sadie, we like that you can give it sometimes too!
Congratulations to Simba!
So cute!
So cute!
Yay for Simba! And funny about the tricks. What comes around goes around!f Love, Moon
You are full of tricks sweet Sadie!
Congratulations to the winner!
xo Catherine
Sadie you are good at playing tricks on your sisfurs. I bet it was fun too.
Congrats to Simba
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