I'm a furry patient sisfur. I have learned to accept that Angel just has to share my bed even though she has one of her own. 

Maybe that's it, maybe she thinks this one is hers. Why didn't I think of that before?

Now if only I can get out of this bed. No, don't move Angel. Wouldn't want you to let me get up. Geesh.

Hmmm. She was keeping me really toasty. Now she started bath time so maybe it wasn't such a good idea to get out. 

Can you scooch over Angel? And can you clean that spot on my neck...yeah, that one. 

You know Angel, you really are the purrfect sisfur but can I get my booty back in bed.

We hope you have time for a bed and bath today!
That's a really tight fit, girls, but you two look adorable together :)
ps - thanks for letting me know about Erika. Poor little one :(
btw, can you let me know if you're seeing the ads displayed in my project wonderful boxes? Thx.
Hello I just love the little story the cats played out, very cute!!!
It's so sweet how you two can be so close together! Sharing body heat is a good idea.
You two are so cute. It really is nice to have someone to cuddle with ~ no? Even if they hog the bed a bit. :)
We just love the sharing of the bed pictures! So cute!!
Oh, that is too cute! My two would KILL each other being so close.
You two put a great smile on our Mom's face this morning. That darn Angel should go get into her own bed. Guess she just wanted to have a warm body next to her. You two are hysterical. Have a great week.
You two are the cutest sisters! We think that no matter where you go, Angel will find you, Isabella!
Two bodies are always warmer than one, I think you are very lucky to have a sisfur that gets along with you :)
Have a good nap and bath :)
You two are such a cute pair :) So glad you have one another!
I think it might be time to buy a king size bed:)
Things would never get solved so peacefully around here! Even if it started out with licking, it would end with fur flying!
I don't think that bed is big enough for one much less two!
They do know how to keep warm - now they just have to learn to stay on their own side of the bed!
You two are SO incredibly cute!
... and I have to think cats are more into b-a-t-hs than us puppers are!
Play bows,
Good thing woo two are so khute!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
ha Ha, that was such a cute post.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Oh you girls do get along well don't you. You're both so cute.
That is adorable :)
I love the post from yesterday. Isabella you are so beautiful!
And you two girls remind me of my daughter--she always wants to hog the bed, and covers, and pillow. Now if she starts licking me then we've got a problem!
So CUTE :-)
I wish I had a sis to cuddle with
I miss that so much :(
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
Oh that is so cute - you two keep each other nice and snuggly warm!
Just looking at you two intertwined makes me feel good - also jealous. I'd like to snuggle up there with you.
Aww you two are so cute! I wish I had someone to snuggle with and give me a bath. Someone with fur I mean, cause Mommy is snuggly. Love, Moon
It's always nice to share a bath and a bed!!
HAHA! You two are funny. I love the photos of the bed negotiation.
Hey, I just set up new Twitter & Facebook Fan pages, so if you haven't already, come by my blog and click on the badges to join in on the fun!
(Glogirly's cat)
Thank you for the smiley, watery eyes. You two are so purtiful! Sometimes you look like Ying & Yang...
Well it certainly looked a cosy fit! MOL!
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