It's Sadieday so you'd think I could lounge out on my own deck without an audience.

But no, some neighbor cat thinks it's Caturday.

Silly cat.

Hope you have a wonderful SADIEday!
PeeS: Usually I chase cats out of my yard and off my fence but I didn't want to exert myself on Sadieday plus I didn't want to have to run through that ugly rock patch that Mommy and Daddy still need to fix up. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
You like us kitties, you know it!
I dunno, Sadie... looks a lot like Caturday around these parts! ;-)
It's okay to take a day off from your duties once in a while, Sadie ;-)
Happy Sadieday!
Once in awhile Sadie you just have to sit back and relax. Just keep your eye on her. As long as she stays on the fence.
I don't blame you for not wanting to over do on Sadieday. I feel the same way. I would keep an eye on that nosy neighbor though :)
We SO don't blame you for not wanting to get up. Maybe just a warning bark will do?
We like your yard! But we think the rock patch should be replaced with a sand box for your sisfurs to play in.
But he looks like a very nice cat. Maybe he just wants to be friends, Sadie.
Maybe kitty is just trying to make friends...maybe? It looks like orange kitty is smart enough to keep his distance though. LOL
Your yard is beautiful Sadie ~ have a good Sadieday!
You need to set those cats straight! Everyone knows it's SadieDay :)
Silly cat . . . . has he ever come down in the yard to visit?
Your neighbor yellow cat reminded me that yesterday I went to the v-e-t's to buy Samy some dog food and it was real busy so I had to stand in line. They had 3 tiny baby yellow kittens in a cage free for anyone that wanted them. I felt so bad that everyone waiting that had a cat I tried to talk them into getting a brofur or sisfur for their cat. I got no takers so when I left the 3 babies were still there.
Take a load off Sadie and just have a relaxing day!
Well I missed our usual walk on Sadieday, Sadie, but you deserve a day off every now and then. And besides you need to keep your eye on that kitty next door. Looks like it is just waiting to come in your yard.
Our dogs would go nuts if they saw a cat sitting on our fence! Good girl Sadie!!
I think that's kind of cool, Sadie! The kit-cat wants to hang out with you -- I'd love that!
Play bows,
Well it's definitely Caturday here! MOL! Yoo wasn't scairt of that floofy ginger boy was yoo? Just askin'!
I don't blame you for not chasing your admiring fans away. Let the pawparazzi have their fun.
Have a nice, relaxing Sadieday:)
I understand!
I mean look at me: my mom has khreated a khat khondo on the front porch!
Happy SadieDay!
Happy Sadie day! I agree, it just wasn't worth the trouble to chase that cat away. Rest up and take it easy. It's YOUR day Sadie!
Linda :)
Aww, Sadie, Arwen offers to come out and bark at kitties, birdies and squirrels any time you don't want to. As for that 'ugly' rock patch, she offers to dig it up :)
Have a great weekend!
Meg and Arwen the Wonder dog
I think your deck and yard look rather nice myself...
Oh kitties, they think everyday is about them! You know they must have a different calendar than doggies!
Hmmm, did Sherpa escape?
I'm so glad to be able to visit again!
You're such a good girl Sadie. I think that kitty has a secret crush on you! Happy Sadieday! Love, Moon
Sadie, you are so right about wanting some alone time. Some kitty needs to learn some manners.
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
First off, I love the backyard! What a great place to retreat, Sadie. I do not blame you for using your best skills and manners to leave the puss alone.
The people across the street have a super-territorial gray kitty--today she chased another cat away with all kinds of hissing, screaming and paws a-flying. (I don't like that cat because she poops right next to my car so I don't blame her, either:)Of course, the gray kitty chased her into my yard:)!!
It sure was nice of you to let that kitty visit. Sometimes you have to relax and enjoy the day.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Sadie, you are just so adorable. You Bean has an uncanny way of being in the right place at the right time with a camera...what, are they placed all over the house?
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