We've been tagged with a fun photo tag by our friends Dave, Zim, Stormy and Ammy at the Army of Four and also by Teri from Rainblowflute. The tag is to open our first photo folder, scroll down to the 10th photo, post that photo and tell the story behind it, then tag 5 more bloggers.
Our first photo folder is from 1-3-09 and here is the 10th photo...

The story behind this photo is that my little sisfur Angel started looking out the downstairs window.

My other sisfur Isabella had to come see what she was looking at.

Then Angel left but Isabella kept looking out the window.

Well then I had to come see what she was looking at.

And eventually Isabella left leaving me all alone looking out the window which is the photo we started with today. Everything around here turns into a group project.
This was a fun tag so we're going to pass it on to 5 other bloggers with no obligation to play along although we hope you do! Here are our choices in no particular order:
Khyra from Khyra's Khorner
Rumblepurr and Inigo from Rumblebum
Edi from Memories for Life Scrapbooks
Sparkle and her sisfurs from Sparkle the Designer Cat
Catherine from Corner of a Cat's Mind
OMC!! How exciting!! We were thinking what a great idea is is, and then you tagged us!
(We think you guys were looking out for US!)
So wot cud yoo see froo the window? Was it a vishus squirrel?
What a fun series of photos! It's nice that you all join in together and then take turns at the window.
What a fun game! We love the pics of all of you looking out the window!
That's actually a kinda funny story...
That's adorable. I'd be a little scared to do this one. I have all kinds of family photos, blog photos and business photos. There's no telling where this would lead to.
Thank you so much friends! How sweet ~ I shall play the game tomorrow morning!
Love your photos ~ you are all so cute looking out the window!
You three are so adorable! We love, love love Angel's genie pants!
I enjoyed hearing the story behind the photo. What were they looking at:)
Wooos What a fun series of pictures Sadie! Mum is in love with your little sister Angel, she reminds Mum of a kitty she once had...
so pretty!
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
You girls are all so lucky to have each other :)
Thanks for the tag!
That's seems like such a fun game! Hope we get tagged. We loved your photos and stories!!!
Cute story and cute photo's as always. Good way to start out my Monday morning. My dreary Monday is less dreary now.
Did you know there's a contest going on? You could win.
That is a super game. And the pictures are terrific. I remember them well. It is so great that Sadie gets in on all the fun with the girls. Hope you have a great week.
Great photo and great story behind it! We love to do everything together, too! Aren't group projects the best?!?
How fun! And I didn't know what I was going to blog about yet for Tuesday!
Thanks fur sharing that one!
Nice pikhs especially since SADIE is there to keep an eye on those KHATS!
We'll play this Thursday!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
You guys sure like to look out your window!
Do you ever see a goat?
How fun!!! And did anyone ever figure out what you were all looking at?
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
oh what a fun tag. I like how you had the whole story there in pictures too.
What a fun post! What are they looking at?? LOL
Julie Magers Soulen Photography
What fun! But what was out there??
You all keep each other company! I don't have anyone to hang out with except my Mom! Were you looking at the kitty across the way? Love, Moon
Very fun community project. We like to take turns in our window, too =)
Cookie and Lova
"Who loves that kitty in the window..."
What great team effort! keeping eyes out the window in case anything exciting happens!
fun tag!
Fun story :)
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