Friday, August 18, 2017

Finally Friday

Boy are we glad it's Friday! We're looking forward to a weekend with no noisy strangers. Why just a weekend? Well, progress has been made on the deck...
But they won't finish today so they'll return Monday afternoon after this little event that's happening called the Total solar eclipse. We're in the path of totality so hundreds of thousands of peeps are coming to our neck of the woods to watch it. As a result, the locals are staying off the roads Monday morning. Our Daddy said that yesterday the lines into the gas stations were so long cars were in the street trying to turn in! Don't worry, we have enough foods and treats so we'll be okay! We also have our ISO approved eclipse shades...
We're ready for everything! Especially the weekend!

Are you in the path of the solar eclipse?

Happy weekend to you!
Angel and Isabella


Summer at said...

We are so far from the eclipse's path - I think we will get 50% coverage at best. At least we're not somewhere in the world where it will be nighttime! I guess that would be more of a bummer.

Grace said...

The deck is looking pretty sweet! The eclipse, what we will see of it will be in the late afternoon, I probably won't even notice!

Fuzzy Tales said...

What we can see of the deck looks good!

Our biped doesn't have proper glasses to view the eclipse, so she'll see it via news coverage. (Plus we're not slated to get quite the show that you will!)

Have a great weekend!

The Army of Four said...

Did Adrill show up? I'll bet he did - that deck is looking great!
We're in like the 98 point something range, I think. We didn't get glasses, but seeing how cool you look in yours, I wish we would have!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

We are only going to be able to see about 80% of the eclipse where I am in Michigan. I feel bad for you guys, it must be CRAZY with all of those visitors for it!! Ugh! catchatwithcarenandcody

Lin said...

Hooray! Nearly done!! It sure looks nice.

We are actually about 6 hours away from the primo spot to view it...Carbondale, IL. Well, that's what I hear, anyway. I may be wrong.

Either way, we are NOT driving there to see it...I can see it just fine here. Or not. I am really not into all this fuss. I have seen it before. Actually, I think the odd light around us while it is happening is probably more interesting to see than the actual sun itself.

Have a great (and quiet!) weekend!

Katie Isabella said...

we rein the path of the eclipse. We only get 30 seconds off totality but that beats NO totality. xxxooo NO we have to hope it is NIT a cloudy day.

Sandee said...

Love the new deck and it's almost done. Good for you.

I'm glad you're in for the weekend. I knew mom and dad would make sure you've got enough supplies.

I linked this post to Feline Friday. Have a purrfect weekend. My best to your mom and J. ♥♥♥

Kitties Blue said...

We will have a 90.38 % eclipse, which Mom says is good enough for her. Dad tried to get ISO glasses, but wasn't having much luck. Mom's doctor gave her some yesterday.Yippee, we are all ready. Can you watch it from your gorgeous new deck? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are pretty close to the 100% viewing, but we may only get 99% IF Mother Nature cooperates and keeps those clouds away. Mom has her glasses but Dad says he has enough eye problems and won't be looking at it live, just photos later on:)

Woos - Lightning and Misty

Ann said...

The deck is looking nice. I have no idea whee we are as far as viewing the eclipse. I'll have to look into that

The Island Cats said...

We're not in the path, but we'll be watching. The mom got a pair of those special glasses.

pilch92 said...

Very cool shades, they aren't from Amazon though, are they ? I read about a recall on some from there that are not safe. I am actually glad it isn't in our path, I don't want crowds of people in my town.

Johnny said...

Hope you had a great, great Friday!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

We'll be around 60% eclipse...I'll play it safe and watch on TV :)

Duni said...

Great looking deck! Hope you enjoyed seeing the total eclipse! Cool glasses Isabella :)