Monday, June 12, 2017

Weekend Wrap Up

We had a lazy kind of weekend around here. Between allergies and changes in the weather, our mommy felt pretty crabby crappy all weekend. I did my best at holding her down though...
Despite not feeling well, she took care of the next door neighbor kitties while their mom was away. She introduced them to their first plague rat...
She also took them our crochet snake to play with...
We'd lost interest in it but Dez really enjoyed it...
He's such a cutie pie. Anyway, we plan on taking it easy today since it's back to work tomorrow. It's a tough job being holder downers but somekitties have to do it!

How was your weekend?

Hope you have a great day!


Duni said...

We didn't know you had such cute neighbor cats?! Glad they had fun with the toys! Hope Mommy feels better today!

Summer at said...

Your human takes very good care of the neighbor kitties!

Ann said...

You've got cute neighbors. Hope your mommy is feeling better soon. Allergies are no fun at all

Marg said...

Those neighbor kitties sure are cute. We also hope the Mom feels better soon too. Have a really nice day.

Grace said...

What handsome neighbors you have. Hope somemommy is feeling better, weather changes make me crabby too.

Fuzzy Tales said...

You have terrific neighbours! It was especially nice of your mom to take them some toys and to take such good care of them, when she wasn't feeling well. We hope her allergies abate soon! (Our human is in the same boat on that one.)

Sandee said...

This is a whole bunch of Aww so I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

I hope mommy feels better soon.

Have a purrfect Awww Monday. Big hugs to mommy and J. ♥♥♥

Katie Isabella said...

That is quite a tongue that snakie has!

Kathe W. said...

Even tho your Mommy felt bad- she was so nice to take toys over to the other kittys! Hope she feels better soon!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It is very hot here and the wind is blowing all those allergens around here too. We hope you Mom is feeling better today.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

yeah our weather has been up and down and back and forth and today's crazy. Glad that kitty enjoyed the toys!

The Army of Four said...

Our weekend was hot, hot, hot and windy. Other than that, we walked early, sat on the deck in the morning shade, played a lot, and watched the Penguins win the Stanley Cup. All in all, mighty awesome! ...except for the hot part.
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

pilch92 said...

Neighbor cats are cute. I hope your mom feels better soon.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

white fish wavez two ewe dez; veree nice two meet ewe...ewe haz sum gorgeouz nayborz ya noe; angel & isabella ;)

N hay ewe gals, it waz way awesum oh ewe ta give up cro shay snake !! ♥♥♥

Lin said...

I'm guessing those kitties stay indoors and are much easier to take care of. They sure are cute...although not as cute as those kitties at home! ;)

The Island Cats said...

How nice of you girls to let your mom go play with the neighbor kitties. We hope she's feeling better now.

A Tonl said...

we're so sorry your mom felt crabb-- err, CRAPPY. OURS acts crabby when she feels crappy ALL THE TIME. SRSLY, what's up with those humans and their wimpy-ness? Can't they suck it up and realize WE are the #1 priority? SRSLY!!

(hope you're feeling MUCH better!!