Yay it's Sadieday! I started off my Sadieday by checking for introoder neighbor cats in the front yard...

Well, instead of just looking at my cute booty, Mommy thought I looked a little dirty and my pantaloons were unruly so she gave me a dreaded BATH! Now, there are no photos of me getting a bath because it takes every free human hand to do it because I cry like a little puppy and I'm so happy when it's over...

So does my booty look better now?

No more unruly pantaloons either...

Although I absolutely hate having a bath and I let everyone within 5 miles of us hear how much I hate it, I do like feeling all clean and spiffy again - but don't tell Mommy!

Now I plan on enjoying the rest of my Sadieday and hope you do too!
That dog I live with doesn't like getting baths, either, Sadie! But she doesn't make any noise, she just squirms a lot and looks pitiful.
So sorry bathtime is no fun for you, Sadie. I'm sure Mommy and Daddy do their best to make it as pleasant as possible for you. And you do look very spiffy today!!!
:whispers: Yoo look clean and spiffy too! Smoochies!
You look fab Sadie!!!
Sadie, you're the happiest puppy!
Our cousin Molly LOVES getting baths. . . but then, she's a Lab.
(jane's paw makes circling motion next to her head)
We don't blame you a bit for not liking baths but your pantaloons DO look nice and fluffy now. So are you going to go out and do some four-pawing in the mud this weekend?
Sorry about bath day Sadie. Claudia doesn't like it either. She just stands still and quivers. At least now it is over. And you are looking good.
I understand you not liking a bath, but I didn't klnow doggies could dislike it so much as to cry. I certainly WOULD cry and shred my parents if they ever tried to give me a full bath. It is bad enough if it is just my hindquarters.
I like seeing you happy and smiling!
Oh, POOR Sadie!!! So, my dog pally wasn't smiling??? Awwwww.
We have a car wash here that has a "dog wash" in the building that you can use. Isn't that a great idea??? You can make the mess there and not at your house. (Don't tell Sadie that I told you that)
We hate baths too but we put up with them because it does make us feel better. You do look extra lovely Sadie. Bet that is a big job washing all those hairs that you have and it looks very thick. Poor Mom.
Have a great week end.
Mommy left me at the Vet for a bath ONE time and she nor I will EVER forget it.
Your pantaloons look fluffy and fresh!
Oh Sadie!
I hope woo got to give your mommy a bath too!
As fur those pantyloons, we KNOW I know pantyloons...and yours look mahvelous dahling!
Floof and 'loons,
PeeEssWoo: Mom has nevFUR attempted giving me a bath - and after reading this to her, she's smiling!
Sadie, you have some snazzy pantaloons goin' on!
Mommy's Lab Buddy LOVED water (the yucky goose-poopy golf course variety)but HATED baths. Go figure!
Glad Sadie had a bath but I look forward to our walk...
Hi girls! Sorry we have been MIA for a while - mom got bogged down with "stuff".
Are you OK after your b-a-t-h?!?! That's mighty scary! Mom keeps looking at me thinking it's "my turn". Umm... I am MORE than willing to let somepuppy else go again instead!
You do look very nice now, Sadie, but we always think you are gorgeous. We aren't too fond of baths either.
Hope you and the Mom and the kitties are having a good weekend.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
You do look very "spiffy". Now that your spiffification is over with, we hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Happy Sadieday!
I thought I was hearing a strange sound here in Idaho, but I guess it was just you getting a bath :) You look nice and clean, Sadie.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your bath-free Sadieday!
Dirty or clean...you're still a cutie :)
it's been a rainy day here but happy just the same! happy sadieday to you too sweetie!!
You should take dust baths like goats.
Much better.
What a coincidence Sadie! I took a bath today too! My pantaloons weren't looking so clean either - sometimes I need a little help cause of my long hair. And I don't mind it much at all. Hope you all have a great weekend! Love and stuff, Moon
I don't mind the bath part. It's the blow drying part I don't like, and no way is anyone going to clean my teeth!
You look very clean and spiffy now Sadie. Duke tolerates baths but he would much rather go in the pool
Yipes! Bath day *sivers and shakes* Have a good roll is 'something good' and you will feel much better *ahhhhhhh*
Lova and Cookie
PS you looks real nice!
You sure looking very Spiffy Sadie girl.. :) baths are great.. i had to have a bath every single week.. and a blowdry too... else my curls will get all tangled and it gets worse from there.. so every week.. i am conned by Anny for a bath.
You will feel so much lighter after a bath :) Hope you are having a great weekend Sadie girl!
Sadie - you look adorable. Good to get clean once in a while. Think of it as a big mud puddle! {:-D
Sadie looks beautiful! I'm smiling cuz I can never figure out how our little Ceili feels about her bath--she'll jump into the tub before we're ready for her, but she's always just as happy to get out, I think!
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