Happy Sadieday! It's been rainy and drizzly here this week but that's not going to stop me from taking a stroll today even if we have to go on the paved trails around the neighborhood and I have to keep Mommy on her leash. Oh well, we'll still have fun so grab your rain gear and let's go!

There are more and more leaves on the ground. Must mean fall is in the air which around here means more rain and fewer strolls in the forest so I'm going to have to keep Mommy leashed up more often. Phooey!

One good thing about more rain is more puddles!

Doesn't the trail look a little eerie today? 

Wonder if we'll see any scary creatures lurking in the darkness...

Good thing I have Mommy on her leash! Since she was a good girl and didn't chase the scary creature, I'm going to take her home now since it's drizzly and her hair keeps expanding with the humidity. (She looks more scary than the scary creature!) To leave you on a good note, I'll end the stroll with a picture of me... 

I hope you enjoyed going on a stroll with me!
Have a Happy Sadieday!
Whoa Sadie, it's a good thing your human was on the leash - I have heard about those "vishus deer" from Skeezix!
THat was quite the adventure Sadie, did you splash mum??
What a fun stroll you had today, Sadie, despite the drizzle. I know exactly how your Mommy feels about the hair thing... :)
Happy Sadieday!
Lol, you're right Sadie, one good thing about rain is more puddles! I used to love jumping in them as a kid. :) Happy Sadieday!
Nice walk in spite of the damp weather. Hey, MY Mom's hair gets "frightful" in the damp too! Is that a special Mom thing? Doesn't happen to me at all.
We don't mind a little drizzle when it's strolling time. My moms hair doesn't expand it just kind of flattens out. We never get to see any scary creatures on our strolls though. You're one lucky girl.
You are so right Sadie ~ we can not let poor weather keep us away from doing what we want to!!
Have a Happy Sadieday!
xo Catherine & Banjo
You don't mind a little rain do you Sadie? Maybe your mom does though. It's good that you will be able to get her out for a walk in the Autumn, even if it IS just through the neighborhood.
Nice stroll Sadie. You have to get mommy use to the bad weather strolls. Claudia and I go out rain or shine.Sometimes snow. Don't like to mention that four letter word. I bet you love the snow. I know Claudia does.
Another pawesome Sadie Stroll!
I must khommend your mommy's behaviour - she is so good fur woo!
Do woo use any pawtikhular kind of training treats?
I just watched today, Sadie. We have to be outside in the cold and rain all day and I didn't want to start my morning out like that too. Thanks for working out so I don't have to! ;)
I think it's raining everywhere.
It's so great that you still take your mommy for a walk on days when it's drizzly :) You two make a great pair!
It's a good thing Mommy has you to take care of her, Sadie!!
Tats a lovely stroll despite the rain... and the scary monster ain't so scary after all :)
glad you have a good time with your mommy.. Our hooman girl's hair will just go limp in the rain.. how's does your momma keep her's expanded? pretty cool!
Sadie, that was an excellent walk even in the drizzle. We don't mind drizzle at all. Glad that Mommy was on the least though when you met up with the scary creature. You do seem to see a lot of deers. Wasn't that fun going through the puddle. Did Mom get her feet wet?? Hope all of you have a super day.
Wow, Sadie! Do you go into four-paw-drive through those puddles? We would Not Like getting out feets wet!
Thanks for giving Mommy such a nice smile...she's had a rotten week and you really cheered her up.
Oh I wish I had places like that to stroll through!
Oh, Sadie! You look so happy!
What a great stroll - but yes, it was just a tad bit scary! (And speaking of 'scary' - our mom's hair does really umm... interesting things in high humidity, too!)
You're smart to keep your mom on a leash!
Happy Sadie - thanks for the stroll. We have rain and nasty t-storms coming our way. Hope we can get a walk before they get here.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
This reminded me that when I went to the spa this week there was a dead baby deer on the side of the road that looked like it might have been hit my a car!
It looks like you had a nice walk even in the rain! I hope the sun shines tomorrow for you! Love, Moon
I can see your mum's scary expanding hair! very funny. You look cute as always Sadie. Isn't autumn coming fast?
That creature was keeping his eye on you, Sadie!
I heard it rained all day in Salem from my Father-In-Law. I like puddles too, but they are a rare occasion here. Nice picture of the dear.
It looks like you were having a fun stroll. It must be nice to be able to see deer on your walks. I hope you had a fun Sadieday :)
Good thing to keep mommy on the leash with all those poodles - you never know what could splashin'!
Lova and Cookie
We've found more and more leaves on the ground, too! It seems that, in the end, you found nothing terribly scary (No, we are NOT counting your mommy!).
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