We're posting from the archives today because Mommy has been sick in bed since Tuesday night. We're keeping her company but we're not able to put together a new post so here's a re-run. Hopefully she can help us with a post tomorrow but at this point, we don't know.
Are the fireworks over? Is it safe to come out yet?
Are the fireworks over? Is it safe to come out yet?

I'm all for a celebration but I prefer toys and treats and niptinis to fireworks. I'm just glad it's all over with - at least until next year.
Did you hide from the fireworks like I did? My sisfur Sadie didn't like them either but Isabella could care less one way or the other. She's one of those very mellow cats that isn't disturbed by anything, not even big trucks or doorbells. She's weird.
Anyway, hope you have a nice quiet day!
I hope your human feels better soon!
In the meantime, do you kitties think you might need to hire a temp?
Hi , Angel !
I think it´s safe to come out now :)
My mom have been in bed too for a couple of day´s , she cought a bad cold.
Hope your mom is feeling better soon
XOXO from Kjelle Bus
Oh no! I hope your Mommy feels better soon. Sending love and hugs ♥
We're sending purrs along to your Mommy. We hope she feels better soon.
The coast should be clear, Angel...though you might want to stay close to Mommy just in case....
We are sending healing Sibe Vibes to your mommy!
Mom wasn't feeling 'it' this year SO we went to bed prior to the fireworks starting -
Since they are launched from just the khourse, it was KHWITE loud in the house!
At least I didn't have to smell all those khemikhals from the safety of my bedroom!
PeeEssWoo: So Angel Sadie - how was the display at The RB?
Sorry to hear your mom is sick--hope she's okay real soon! This was a good re-post though.
Awww sweetie, it's safe to come out now - the nasy boomer things are all over now. So very sorry your mom is not feeling well. Hope she gets better soon.
Sending hugs to your mommy for a speedy recovery!
Glad everyone survived the fireworks :)
We slept through the fireworks last night. Mom says she doesn't know how...they were EXTRA loud this year...even with the windows all closed!
We sure hope your mom feels better soon. Being sick is no fun.
Sorry that Mom is sick. Hope she is feeling better really soon.
We were lucky that we didn't have any fireworks going off around here. Glad you had a good place to hide Angel. Give Mommy a hug for us. Sending lots of purrs to her.
i was TOTALLY disturbs by them...they don't scare me they just get on my last nerve at exactly 12:01 am LOL
hope you're feeling better dear ♥ Sharla! sorry i've been missing a few days here trying to get caught up on lots of work i had to put off while mom was really bad....so i guess the fact that i'm busy "kitchening" & sewing again is a good sign that moms doing a bit better! BIG get better soon HUGS coming your way!!!
Ooooh, I sure hope your mommy is better very soon. It is no fun to be sick. We send lots of goat hugs
We sure hope Mommynis feeling better soon.
We had lots of noise here last night. Kept us awake a long time. Phantom must have been bothered by them because he was so confused this morning. He is fine now and enjoying a good nap.
Hope your day is a good one.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
We're so sorry to hear your mom is sick! Take good care of her and we sure hope she gets feeling better fast!!!
Me and Dave are pretty ambivalent about fireworks (Stormy did NOT like them, though!) - until about 5 o'clock this morning. You'll know why when you see our blog. :(
Play bows,
Oh dear, oh dear - a summer cold? Tell Mommy to get well soon!
Angel -- fireworks don't bother me at all, no no no. I sleeps right thru them. But I'm a big bwave boycat you know...
Tell your mommy bean to teach you to type so you can take over when she's feeling yuck. I'm learning but I don't spell so good...
Aaw, Angel! I hope you survived all the noise without too much trauma!
Hope your mommy is soon leaping out of bed!
I'm so sorry to hear your mom is sick. Tell her to get better soon.
Duke doesn't mind the fireworks at all. He was out with me watching them and didn't mind them a bit.
We took our Little Bit (dog) to the boat to avoid the fireworks. We do it every year and she appreciates it very much.
I hope your mom feels better soon. :)
Hi Honey Angel. It's safe now.come on out. But keep close to mommy till see feels 100% better, and Isabella too.
I hope she is all better as she helps you girls read this. Sending all of you hugs.
I don't hide Angel! I'm a big, brave boy. Hope your Mom gets well soon! Give her wet nose kisses from us! Love, Moon xoxo
Oh no! I hope Mommeh is feeling better soon!
We don't like fireworks here either. Too loud. Too scary. I think even the fish were scared last night.
The fireworks were very loud this time because of some new neighbors lighting there own. I was braver by just hiding under a table than a bed.
Continue to purr on your Mom that should make her feel much better soon.
*yawn* Fireworks? Theys so fars away that we don't hears them... unless the beans next door do them. But theys only do little ones... *yawn*
Forrest and *nudge*nudge*snoring*Pal
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