I love mousies and play with them all the time but mostly at night so I can bring it's deaded little toy body right where Mommy steps in the morning! I thought I'd show you my mousie hunting technique. First I sneak up on it and whack it when it's not expecting it!
Then I dig my claws into it but yet don't show my cute face so it still has no idea what's happening. See it trying to get away...
This takes great skill since not only can the mousie not see me, I can't see it either!
I then slowly start to pull the mousie over the edge...
Now it's time to deaded it so if you're squimish you might want to look away...
That was so much fun! Sorry some of the photos are blurry but I get a little carried away when it comes to mousies!
What's your favorite toy?
Do you bring it to your beans like a trophy?
Hope you enjoy your day!
Angel, the Mighty Mousie Hunter

What's your favorite toy?
Do you bring it to your beans like a trophy?
Hope you enjoy your day!
Angel, the Mighty Mousie Hunter
You play just like Ling! Hahaha. I love the pictures!
Wow, I like your killing technique, Angel! Sneak attacks are always a good tactic!
You look like a proper mousing expert! My sisters never learned how to kill. They would just toy around with the mousie until it died of a heart attack. :S My favourite toy would have to be... puzzle pieces! They are so fun to pounce on, and bounce around when you touch them! Give them a try!
My technique is quiet similar as You, Angel.
I love to play near mom or next to mom : )
Happy Monday
Well done, Angel. YOU have a great technique there. That mousie didn't know till too late.
Wow Angel, your technique is just so good. That mouse sure didn't see you coming since you couldn't see it. MOL.
We are also so glad you deaded it before taking as a treasure to your Mom. I bet she loves to step on that in the morning. Angel you sure did make Mom smile this morning. Good job.
My favorite is a shoelace or rod toy with the string when my mommy plays with me.--Spunky Doodle
Awesome pics of yoo being a mighty hunter.
Milo like hunting his nip froggy and I like hunting my nip narna.
Love Alfie xx
Angel, that mousie didn't stand a chance against your awesome hunting technique!!
Angel, you have that down to a T! I can actually take some of your techniques and do a better job. I ded mine and leave them for mommy to step on. I ought to bring them to her.
We think your toy mousie technique is very effective, Angel! We are sure your Mom appreciates it very much!
Angel, we're almost speechless at your skill! Wow! We're so impressed at how you kill your mousie!
My Miss Frankie likes to play with her mousies at night too! Such howling and yelling and then she brings them upstairs and leaves them in the hall where we trip over them in morning!
My little "sisfurs" always had Moo Cows...so Harley has to have a Moo Cow :) It's his favorite!
That's hilarious! Angel, you are a great huntress :)
Sammy loves laying on his mousie!
Mousie hunting sounds like fun and you are quite the hunter, Angel! Hope you have a wonderful Monday!
hubby says your hunting technique is quite impressive!!!
Goodness. That looks like a lot of work:)
Stinky the Farm cat brought the publicist a snake the other day.
Sherpa likes Harry the Farm cat as a toy. I am not sure Harry approves of this.
Angel used to play with toy mice all the time. She would hold its body and pull its head, usually twisting it back and forth like she was trying to break its neck. :)
Our fave toy is fevver-onna-stick! Either Mommy or Daddy move it around, and we go WILD! Sylvester plays with toy mousies, and John walks around the house at night, moaning with feather-butt toys in his mouth which he delivers to Daddy.
We like your sneak attack technique!
You are one purffected stalking technologist! And your sense of humor always gives me goodness smiles. When you gift deaded mousies to mommy, does she jump on the bed screaming?
Scritches sweet thang
Angel, your skills are amazing. My 3 boys all like different things:
1. Fritz: water bottlecaps to play fetch
2. Buddy: pipe cleaners
3. Sammy: snuggling with my fur in mom or dad's face
Angel those are some stealthy moves on the mousie. The toy was totally surprized when you won the battle. I tend to go after the velcro as it makes a cool noise when played with.
Whew, you had us worried, Angel. We thought you had a real mousie for a while there. One of Mom's old neighbors back East had a big kitty who caught mice every night outside and brought them home to the front porch for his Mom to see and go all freaky. Have lots of fun with your mousies.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
so tough! my kitty Milo likes to hunt stuffed mousies as well. He flings them all over the room.
We're taking notes!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
You are so brave, Angel. My mom was glad to hear that it was a toy mouse (only girl kitties say mousie. Us boy kitties are too, well, you know, macho....)
Anyway, I like to chase and play with those little tiny lizards that get inside. Mom says they are gross and makes Dad pick them up. I never have any fun.
You have excellent mousing skills Angel. We found a dead mouse on our sidewalk today. Were you by any chance in our neighborhood? :)
You ARE a good mouser Angel! Almost as good as me, tee-hee! I missed you all weekend - hope you all had a good one! Love, Moon
Too khute!
Of khourse, my favourite toy would be my khat - if Mom would let me have one ;-)
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie - any tips on how I khan khonvince Mom I need my own khytty?
Oooh, Mousies are FUN!! We like them here, but our favorite is still Sparkle Ball. Grace likes to talk to hers. It sorta sounds like she's dying when she does it too.
You are one sneaky kitty!
dem is some pawsome pix of you gettin dat maousie maorsel!
I espcially likes the pic of you at the end all crazyeyed! crazypants as Trish would say!
Ms. Stella O'Houligan
We have a mousie that we play with just like that!
Banjo likes his furry grey mouse as well. Sometimes I find it's wet and chewed up body in the strangest places! Ewwwwww!
xo Catherine
lol! There has never been a greater mouse hunter than you! :)
You got excellent technique! And we think you got great style too! We understand getting excited and blurry over the mousies!
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