Wednesday, November 5, 2014

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Naked trees means uncovered birdies!
Happy Wednesday!


Summer at said...

Bird TV - Unmasked!

Fuzzy Tales said...

That takes reality TV to a whole new level. :-)

BTW, tell your mom that our human has given the go-ahead to Nicki's vet to order the Aerokat ($55 CDN, same as via online sources), and will write a prescription for the Flovent. Presumably because it's a human med with no pet brand. He'd wanted Nicki to start on 2 doses per day, but the human reminded him that Nicki's on a low dose of Pred and verified that it was okay to start with one dose/day, increase if necessary. Not sure how long it will take to get the Aerokat and get Nicki trained to it (haha), but we'll give it a go!

Ann said...

One of the few advantages of late fall and winter :) Have fun watching those birdies

bichonpawz said...

Hey! Good point! We never thought of it that way before...but you are RIGHT!! We love Bird TV too!
xo Chloe and LadyBug

Angel Simba said...

Have you ever actually CAUGHT one, Angel? I am too slow, even if they come on the deck railing. Though I have tried.

Memories for Life said...

Happy birdie watching :)

Karen O'Lone-Hahn said...

sweet kittie! I see my 4 doing the same :0)

Marg said...

Oh Angel, that is so true. Lots of great bird TV coming up. Keep watching out there.

AntiquityTravelers said...

ah, life through the eyes of a cat :)

Sandee said...

Oh boy, oh boy. Get them Angel.

Have a purrfect Wordless Wednesday. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

Kitties Blue said...

Silly us, Angel. We hadn't even thought about that. We are not enjoying the colder weather, but now we see the upside. Thanks! Purrlease tell your mom that our mom just sent her an e-mail. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Grace said...

Birdies have been strangely absent these past few days...only a few of the trees have lost their leaves - perhaps the time change has them confused.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

angel...which meens dee positz all over de place...steady wear yur mom & dad walk...meowloz two isabella

A Tonl said...

*head to paw* Why didn't WE think about that?!?!

Katie Isabella said...

Of course! You're right! I never thought of that!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Extra clear HD Bird TV:)

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

The Island Cats said...

Nothing better than a clear view of those birdies!

Reeni said...

It is easier to see those birdies now! Pretty soon they're going to fly south and then what will you do Angel? Love & Stuff, Moon xoxo

BumbleVee said...

That look!! hahahah.... I got a pic of a little hawk the other day.... with a look much the same on its face... as he contemplated what some sparrows might taste like for his lunch.... I was glad that he didn't find out my yard anyway....

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

YAY for the fall :)