It's Sadieday but we have very heavy hearts because it would have been Sadie's 12th birthday today. Between that and the horrible news of the recent shootings has our mommy all leaky and all of us heartbroken. Sadie hated it when Mommy got leaky and would always try to get as close to her as possible and try to be a lap dog...
We know Sadie is running around like a puppy celebrating her birthday across the Bridge with a big ole smile on her face...
Since we know Sadie wouldn't want us to be sad, we have a challenge for everybuddy today. We'd like for you to do something that makes your heart happy. Examples can be to contact somebuddy you haven't heard from in awhile, let somebuddy know how much you appreciate them or even take cookies to your neighbors with or without fur. Our mommy and daddy are going to take dog and cat food and treats to an animal shelter today in honor of Sadie since she sure loved her treats...
We hope you take us up on our challenge and make yourself and somebuddy else smile today in honor of our sisfur Sadie! If you do, please let us know!
Happy Birthday to our sisfur Sadie! She'd love for you to have a treat today in her honor too!
Enjoy your Sadieday and weekend!
Woof! Woof! happy 12th to Sadie at the Rainbow Bridge. Golden SMILES n LOVE. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
If I was there I'd jump up and give you cuddles, cause that's what makes me happy. I'm sending you all big purrs today, and sending some up to sweet Sadie at the bridge.
Maybe... just maybe, I can get my human to pull out the Christmas tree today, in honor of Sadie's birthday! Keep your paws crossed!
Lots of purrs to your mom today, as she remembers Sadie. And happy birthday to sweet Sadie at the Bridge.
Our mom says she'll see what she can do to make someone smile today!
We know Angel Sadie's PAWTy is in full force at The Rainbow Bridge -
With many extra giggles from the new human puppy angels there -
PeeEssWoo: Mom talked a lot to the sky as we walked last night - just wondering
Oh Sadie, it is so good to see your smiling face with all the sadness in the world today. We know you are enjoying your birthday today up there with all your friends. That is a great challenge and we sure will try to do something. We like stuff like that. Take care.
I just know Sadie has a big smile on her face today like in that picture above! I hope she's getting lots of treats on her birthday at the bridge.
Sending hugs to her mommy too!
Happy Birthday to sweet Angel Sadie. We too have a very sad home today - it is so hard to get beyond the grief of such a tragedy. As a former teacher, a mom, and a grandma to six young children, she just can't get over this tragedy. We are going to try to get her out for a long walk today and see if we can cheer her up. We have some treats here to bring to our local shelter, but Mom says that will be next week.
Hope you all have a happy SadieDay.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Happy Sadieday! She looks so very happy here ... you guys gave her such a beautifully warm and loving home :)
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Sadie,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪
What a delightful post. I'm on my first cup of coffee this morning so let me see what I can do with your challenge today.
Have a terrific day. Scritches to the babies. :)
Seeing Sadie's smiley face has helped me today. I cannot watch one more minute of TV because all I do is cry. And if I see photos of those children, I'm gonna lose it.
We all hugged each other yesterday, told one another how much we love one another and sat down to watch a Christmas movie together. I texted Colin at school and told him how much I love him too. I can't begin to imagine losing your child....days before Christmas.
I'm gonna tap my inner Sadie and smile her honor...and for all those children.
What a lovely post. Sadie was such a bootiful doggie. What a sweetie. M said she'll come up with something happy to do.
That is a wonderful idea in honor of Sadie
What a marvelous way to celebrate, and honorm Sadie's life ...
That's a wonderful way to celebrate and remember Sadie.
Mommy says she will give us all a good brushing tonight in Sadie's honor, and play with us until we fall over panting.
{{hugs}} and headbumps from us all xx
This is such a wonderful post. Happy Birthday Sadie!! We miss you here but we know you are in a really happy happy place!!
Hugs all around!:-)
What a great way to celebrate Sadie's birthday!
Happy Birthday to Angel Sadie...and we are sure that she has a smile on her face!! What a wonderful way to honor her birthday! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug (we will have a treat for Sadie!)
Happy 12th Birthday, Sadie - I'm sure the Rainbow Bridge is celebrating today!
Aw lots of smiles for Sadie. Our dog, Abby, did a wonderful job visiting residents at the skilled care facility and I got to see some friends from long ago.
What a great idea! Sadie would have loved a challenge to make people happy. Happy birthday, Sadie.
I miss u, Sadie. {{{Sadie}}} I bet Heaven is really fun. :)
At these times we have to keep all the good thoughts we can. It's hard for sure.
xo Catherine
It's so hard especially at this time of the year. We're visiting a cat sanctuary tomorrow to give out treats - we'll be remembering Sadie! Love, Moon xoxo
Happy Birthday, dear sweet Sadie. We all miss you so ♥
With all the recent horrible news both in USA and here in Europe, that is sure a difficult challenge, but Mommy is trying to focus on the positives in life.
Big hugs to all from
Sammy, Molly and Duni
I know you had a pawsome party at the bridge with all your angel pals, Sadie! Happy birthday to you!
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